chapter nine - beach time continued

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"What are the teams?"

"Um let's see... how about Y/n, Kageyama, Hinata, and Tsukishima versus Tanaka, Nishinoya, Asahi, and Sugawara?"

"Sounds good to me." I squeak jumping up and down.

Kageyama was first to serve, he jumped up and hit the ball perfectly to the other side. Nishinoya received it, "IT'S UP!" Tanaka gets the ball and passes it to Sugawara, Sugawara exchanges looks with Asahi and passes him the ball. Asahi jumps really high and spikes the ball towards me. I received the ball but I ended up falling back, "I-IT'S UP!"

"CHANCE BALL!" Hinata yells. Hinata passes the ball to Kageyama and he does a setter dump.

Everyone was shocked including me, I didn't think he would do that.

"We'll get the next one."Nishinoya says.

I laugh.

It was Sugawara's turn to serve the ball, he hit the ball to our side and me and Hinata ran to get it. My eyes widened as I saw both of our faces get super close. We had both collided, "HINATA WATCH WHERE YOU ARE GOING DUMBASS!" Kageyama yells as he approaches me. I look at my hands and see blood, "U-Uh."

Kageyama and Hinata pick me up, "You okay y/n? Y-You are bleeding!"

"I'm fine really! I'll just go to the bathroom real quick. Someone sub for me." I say smiling as I run to the bathroom.

I could see Kageyama hitting Hinata while everyone else asked if I was okay.

So much blood was coming out of my nose. I grab a lot of tissue and wipe away the blood. "Ugh why does everything always happen to me."

I put water on my face and walked out of the bathroom. Before I went back I decided to go buy a few soda's for me and everyone else.

I looked down at my phone to open google maps, "Mhm okay it's right the-"

"I'm sorry I didn't see you there!"

A boy with half blond and dark brown hair looks at me. "It's okay" He says in a low soft tone.

I glance at his phone, "I love that game. What level are you on?"

He blushes and looks away, "L-Level 150."

"Really! I'm on level 100 but I can't get passed it sadly."

He looks at me, "I could pass it for you.."

I smile, "Please do!"

I give him my phone and he plays the game.

"Here I passed it." I look down at my phone in shock.

"You are so good...wait what's your name?"

"Kenma Kozume and you?"

"I'm Y/n L/n! Nice to meet you Kenma."

He smiles when some tall boy walks up to us, "Kenma I'm ready to g-... Who's this?"

"This is Y/n L/n."

"Hi nice to meet you.."

"Kuroo, Tetsuro Kuroo."

I think I remember reading about them... I forgot.

I smile while looking down at my phone. "Oh shoot...I have to go back to my friends , wanna exchange numbers?"


I give Kenma my number and wave goodbye to both of them.

*Kenma POV*

"She seems fun." Kuroo smirks.

"Yeah she's cool I guess."

"You should text her tonight she might be staying around here."

"I don't know Kuroo..."

"I seen the way you look at her. I know you find her interesting." He laughs

I give him a death glare, "Yeah whatever..."


They seemed fun maybe I should text Kenma tonight. I put in my headphones and walk back to the beach. "Wait I'm missing something... hmm what is it? OH THE SODA'S! ugh forget it now."

"Y/N WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Tanaka yells.

"I went to get some soda's but I bumped into someone."

"Are you okay? Who did you bump into?" Sugawara asks.

"Some boys named Kenma and Kuroo. They were super nice!" I blush.

Hinata ran up to me, "You saw Kenma !?"

"Y-Yeah why?"

"We know them! We are actually supposed to have a practice match with them next week!"

I smile and pat Hinata's head, "That's super cool. I can't wait to watch all of you play! You guys better kick some ass."

They all laugh.

It was getting dark but we were all still having fun and talking. I walk away to another quiet place on the beach. I lay down on the sand looking up at the sky. Wish everyday was like this...


I look to the side of me and see Sugawara, "Oh hey Suga! You okay?" He nods his head and sits down next to me, "Why'd you come over here alone?"

"Uh just wanted some quiet I guess."

He looks at me smiling. He leans over me staring directly into my eyes moving closer to my face. "I really like you y/n." He likes me...? My face gets completely red as his lips get closer to mine.

"Sugawara? Y/n...?"

Sugawara turns around and we both see Yachi.

"I-I'm sorry for disturbing you two but the captain is looking for you guys. Uh he said we are getting ready to leave."

I get up and wipe off some sand, "Thanks Yachi. We'll be over there in a second."

She smiles and walks back. I look at Suga blushing, "Um-"

"You don't have to say anything y/n. If I made you uncomfortable please let me know."

I shake my head, "No no it's just... nevermind."

He tilts his head but doesn't say anything. We walk back and see everyone packing up.

"Where were you guys? We missed you y/n! Especially Kageyama." Hinata yells.

"Shut up Hinata!" Kageyama says while hitting him on his head.

I laugh, "Suga was just helping me with something but we should get going now."

We all grab our stuff and start walking. I say bye to everyone and walk to a hotel nearby.

"Here's your key miss."


I turn around and see Kenma talking to Kuroo.

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