chapter 37

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scarlet's pov: 

i could feel his warm minty breath on my face , his hand caressing my cheek slowly as he pulled closer to my lips to touch them for a brief moment and then pulling away making me groan in frustration as his the warmth from our first kiss was lingering on my rosy lips making me want so much more   , our erratic breathing syncing together in a weird yet sensual sound , and with a simple pull i was once again thrown into a world of pleasure as his full lips devoured mine and drove me over the edge 

i felt kristian pull me into the room and closing the door with his free hand , and in a second i was pushed against the hard door making me squall in surprise , and kristian being the jerk he is ' well my jerk' he took advantage of my surprise to seize up my mouth and devoured with his tongue every inch of eat , after a second of  fighting over dominance , i finally gave up and gave kristian the freedom to do as he want , a cold sensation sent shivers down my spine as a hand went under my oversized shirt and started caressing my waist, a moan escaped my mouth as i hugged Kristian  closer and fiddled with his almost wet hair 

all of a sudden kristian pulled away form me leaving me cold and breathless , i looked at his face to see what's wrong , but all i saw was the pain of holding something back 

"what's wrong?"  

"we need to stop, mateo said..." i felt my heart quiver as i took to steps towards kristian 

"I am fine , nothing is wrong with me " but with each step i took kristian took another one backwards as if he was worried of being close to me can do something 

"No ! no matter what , you need to rest , and..." all of a sudden he stopped talking as he looked at me with tender eyes 

"And what?" 

"i want our first time together to be special , not like this " i felt my cheeks heat up again as my breathing settled down and my heart rate went almost back to normal  , god this man , i nodded my head towards him and smiled 

" i should go back to my room , goodnight baby" i said with a smile as i turned around ready to leave , but the same warm hand stopped me gently as i turned around i saw kristian staring at me 

"sleep here , beside me , in my.. no our bed ! please " the pleading in his voice made me feel weak in the knees , i nodded my head uncontrollably with the biggest smile ever 

" then let's go to bed principessa" kristian said as he held me in his arms as pulled me under his black comfy sheets ,    snuggling closer to him , i felt his hand sneak under my waist and pull me even closer so my head could fit perfectly under his chin , in the crock of his neck , i  embraced his body closer to mine so i can feel his warmth and smell his amazing smell 

"you smell like mint " i said with a giggle 

"and you smell like coconut , sweet coconut , i love it " i hummed in replay as i started to feel drowsy in his safe embrace 

"we should always sleep like this " i said  unconsciously 

"we will ,  now sleep "  and that was the last thing i remember before the darkness swallowed me 


Kristian's pov: 

i stretched  my hand across the bed so i can hug scar closer to me , but all i felt was the coldness of the bed and nothing else , i woke up with a startle and started looking around the room franticly but she was nowhere to be seen , i wore my shirt and took my phone and ran downstairs , looking at the clock it was only 6 am which made me even more worried  , i went into her room but she wasn't there , i checked the kitchen but it was empty too , the whole house was empty , as i was about ready to call mateo or jack , i heard the sound of panting coming from the gym , a frown settled between my brows as i walked towards the gym , and there she was  as beautiful as ever  as she ran on the treadmill with only a sport bra and shorts , her body was all sweaty indicating that she has been running for a while now , snapping out of my staring session , it finally hit me ' her asthma ' , i ran towards her and took of her headphones and turned of the treadmill 

"what are you doing?"  i said with a frown as scarlet stared at me while panting 

" whe..n did you wake up ? it's.. only six" my frown depend as her breathing was chaotic which was scary as hell after yesterday 

"sit down and breath first , then we will talk " i helped her down and gave her some water as she wiped the sweat of her face 

"why... do you look like you have seen a ghost , is everything okay?" she asked again but this time her breathing was much better which made me relax a bit 

"what do you think you are doing , running like that when your not allowed to tire yourself you could have had an asthma attack and no one was around you scarlet "

"you're exaggerating , i feel fine , my body was stiff so i wanted to move a bit that's all " 

"i am exaggerating ? are you serious scar? you were in the hospital yesterday, we almost  lost you the doctor said the worst case could lead to dea... " i couldn't finish the sentence as i felt my whole body  stiffen and my heart fill in fear of losing the woman that i love , i can't lose someone else i just can't 

" ..." 

"Kris . . . " i felt two hands on my face wiping away the tears that i hadn't know that they even existed , i looked at scarlet who was staring at me with worry eyes and and a small smile 

"please scar"  a whimper escaped my lips as i hugged scarlet closer to me and breathed her in as if she was my air , her hands were already wrapped around my neck as she whispered soothing words in my ear  to calm my heart down 

"please scar"  a whimper escaped my lips as i hugged scarlet closer to me and breathed her in as if she was my air , her hands were already wrapped around my neck as she whispered soothing words in my ear  to calm my heart down 

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

"it's okay , I am okay , i am sorry baby , everything will be fine i promise "  i nodded my head as   I continued to hug her tightly , i didn't want to let go , she was my world and nothing felt safer than being in her hands 

after a couple of seconds we finally pulled back , scarlet was still staring at me as he wiped my face with her hands , i smiled a bit and smoothed her hair that got tangled in our hug 

" why are you up ? it's only 6? " i asked as i pulled her hand and walked out of the gym towards the kitchen 

"i don't know , i just woke up , maybe it's the nervous because of the pictures release " she said as i pulled her to sit on one of the stools as i bought her a cup of juice and made some coffee 

" you don't have to be nervous , they're gonna look great " 

"you  didn't even see them " she said with a scowl as she finished the glass , i took it from her hand and pulled her closer so i can finally have my morning kiss which she gave me with the biggest smile 

" now that's how i want my morning to begin , and i don't have to see them to know that you look gorges principessa"  i smirked as i saw her cheeks blush and her hands fidget under the table 


"your idiot " 

"uhm mine " 






to be continued 

see you soon 

love you all 


falling for MR.knight(completed)✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz