chapter 14(edited?)

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scarlet's pov :

"Yeah will , a customer complained ..." Jake said while looking around with a smirk on his face and sipping from his drink

"Finally, someone has good taste came to this club , no offense guys " i said while looking around

"None taken " Kristian said with a smirk

"i don't like this , i don't like this at all " Mateo said while waving his hands in the air

"No i think it's better without this uniform" the stranger said

"Oh, he talks ...." oh shit did i say that out loud ?

"Yeah, you did kitten " Mateo said while laughing

"sorry" embarrassingly i laughed as i looked at the stranger in front of me

"No problem , i am Adam , those idiots are my friends, and you must be scarlet "

"You know me?" i looked at him as i spoke

"Well i heard about you a bit "

"All good hopefully " i smiled politely before looking at Jake "i have to go back for work, if you need me, you can call boss, and i will make sure to tell the girls the news before you change your mind " i turned around to walk out of the room but a voice stopped me in my tracks

"The driver will wait for you outside at the end of your shift " i turned around and saw Kristian looking at me

"No, it's okay i will ..."

"He will be outside " jerk , i thought in my head , well a hot jerk , and a caring jerk , 'idiot scarlet '

"okay " i said before leaving , I for one had to make sure i don't embarrass myself, and i am pretty much sure that if i stayed in that room for another second i would have made a fool out of myself , anyway i walked towards the bar that was almost empty , it must be a miracle

"Hey donna , i got some good news if you would like to hear !"

"Oh gossip ! give it to me babe" donna looked like child getting her Christmas present , the love this girl has for gossip is weirdly amazing

"it's not gossip , it's news . Jake finally decided to change this disgusting uniform " donna , ben and all the girls who work here looked at me shocked

"No way !"

"Yup , we are finally throwing these away" i smiled widely


"Did you convince him?"

"Did you flirt your way scar?"

"Omg no way!" everyone around started talking and guessing

"omg guys seriously what's wrong with you , am i the type to flirt my way through something , thank you for showing me what you think off me by the way , anyway back to the subject , it seems like some customers complained about the uniform , so Jake finally gave up i guess, Now everyone back to work before Jake sees you all " i scowled at them all and left to serve the customers that were standing on the bar

after couple of hours , it was already 3 am and the club was still full , i had to go home so i apologized for the guys and left early because i was worried that i wouldn't be able to wake up at seven to have breakfast with Noah , by the time i arrived home it was already half past 3 in the morning, the whole house was quiet and everything was pitch black , i tried to be as quiet as possible so i wouldn't wake up anyone

"you're back ??" i jumped as i heard a voice and all off a sudden the lights turned on

"You scared me , why are you still up it's almost 4 " i looked at Kristian as he stood at the door of his office holding a glass of whisky in his hand

"i had some work to do ! you must be tired you should rest ..." he said before turning around to walk into the office


'Why the hell did you do that you idiot ' i started cursing myself in my head , i can't believe i called out to him like that


"uhm... do you mind if i join , for one of those , i can use one " i said as i signaled towards his glass of whisky , i felt him stare at me for a second before he asked me to come in , i walked nervously into his office , it wasn't the first time i was in his office but weirdly it felt different it was dark , with barely any light in and the curtains were closed

"here " i felt a nudge on my shoulder as i looked behind me i saw Kristian holding two glasses in his hands and offering me one

"thanks" i smiled at him as i took a seat on one of the couches and he sat in front of me , i looked at his desk and saw papers scattered everywhere , i smiled

"You work a lot "

"i hear that all the time " i saw him staring at the desk before looking back to me

"i love my job "

"i can tell " i smiled at his way off talking , it is quiet frustrating how little his words are , but everything he says is like a small piece of who he really is

"aren't you tired ?" Kristian looked at me as i sipped from my glass of whisky

"Yeah , but i like it like this , i am not used to getting a lot of rest , i well get restless "


"i don't know , maybe it's because i am so used to working that i don't know how to just stop all of a sudden " i looked at my glass with sadness in my eyes "since i was young i had to work so i wouldn't be a Burden on my loved ones , and when my nanna couldn't work anymore , i had to be the one to support us , so i am used to it like this "

"What about your parents?" Kristian asked with a gentle voice

"i haven't seen them since i was four , i don't know where the hell are they and i don't really care " i felt my voice quiver as i thought of these two people who were supposed to protect me and treat me with love , but they both left for their own selfish reasons

"You shouldn't care about insignificant people who weren't a reason off your happiness but were a reason of your setbacks, look at the bright side you're grandmother raised you to be an amazing strong and independent woman so maybe them not being in your life is a good thing , anyway some people are just not worthy of being human beings " i looked shocked at Kristian who was trying to cheer me up i guess

"What is it ?" Kristian asked me as i was still staring at him , i smiled as i looked in his eyes

"Nothing , and thank you "

"i did nothing to be thanked for i was just telling the truth " Kristian said as he stood up to pour himself another drink

"Can i ask you a question?"

"aren't you already asking ?" i laughed at his way off talking before turning serious




"Whereis Noah's mother?"

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