chapter 18

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scarlet's pov:

"Kristian what is going exactly ?" i asked Kristian who was pulling me inside the empty mall , all the shops were open but there were no customers inside only the workers were here

"i asked them to close the mall down so we can be comfortable while shopping " Kristian said as he gently putted Noah on the floor , so he can move around freely

"You did what ?? we can shop freely without you closing this placing down "

"Noah doesn't like crowded places and besides..." i felt Kristian stare at me as he whispered the next words gently in my ear " i wanted to spend some quietly time with you and Noah and i can't do that with all the people staring at us , can i now ?"

i felt shivers run down all of my body and a blush crept on my face , and by the time i was able to compose myself Kristian was already walking in front of me with a smirk on his face

"jerk" i whispered lowly to me as i walked behind him trying to ignore the eyes of the workers who were watching us

"i heard that...."said Kristian from in front of me

"good" and now it was my turn to smirk as i swayed my hips and walked past him to get to Noah

"Noah , baby lets go try some cloth on " Noah held my hand as we started going from one shop to the other and trying a lot of clothes on , i ended buying a lot of cute shirts and pants and even some suits to match his father , and while looking through the clothes i saw a set of matching clothes that i fell in love with right away , it was a white pants and jeans shirt , and a black shoes , the set was made for a father and son and mother , it was so cute that i stared at it for a whole minute with a smile on my face

"get me the complete set of this one " i heard Kristian say behind me to the manager and when i looked back i saw him holding the set that i was looking at and helping Noah try it on after that he left me staring at him as he went to the change room to change , when i regained my composure , Kristian was already walking out of the changing room with Noah by his side and the picture that i saw made my heart skip a beat

"What are you waiting for ,aren't you going to try yours on?" Kristiansaid as he walked towards me

"Uh???" i asked him dumbly not understating what he was saying , or maybe i was just drooling at how sexy he was looking

"Try it on , yours is already inside " i nodded my head as i walked towards the changing room and wore the clothes that was already inside , i walked outside after i finished and i saw Noah stare at me with a big smile on his face , he lift Kristian's hand and came running towards me hugging my leg in the processes

"Daddy , we match" Noah said while beaming , i felt weird and shy , i mean it makes sense for Kristian and Noah to match , but i am an outsider i shouldn't be wearing this

"We will take them " Kristian said to the manager behind him as he walked towards me

"Uhm , Kristian maybe i shouldn't...."

"You want to disappoint Noah ??" i looked at Noah who was staring at me with his big eyes , and i felt my will shatter , how can i say a no to such a face

"let's go , we should eat something it's already 6 o'clock " Kristian said before holding Noah's other hand and we started walking towards the closest restaurant which thankfully was pizza , and of course we ended up having the biggest discussion about the right topping on pizza

"Who eats pineapple with pizza ,it doesn't make sense " i looked with disgust at Noah and Kristian who were eating their pineapple pizza

"You should try it, its heavenly " Kristian said with a smile

"Try , try " Noah nodded his head

"No thank you , i prefer my normal cheese pizza , yours looks like a crime against humanity, this thing should be forbidden "

"Hey, don't make fun off our delicious pizza" Kristian said with a frown on his face and Noah having a similar reaction , i couldn't help but laugh outload

"Okay , okay , i won't laugh anymore !lets finish our food , i have work tonight i need to go home and change" right as i finished talking my phone started ringing

"Oh, talk about the devil , it's my boss" i said as i answered the phone

"Yes Jake "

"Scar where are you ?you need to come right away ? i swear to god these people are going to drive me crazy ? everything is destroyed ! the whole night is done for " Jake was blabbering all the words , he sounded nervous and when he is nervous, he starts talking fast , which is usually funny , but not today .

"Hey ! hey slow down , tell me what's going on ?"

"i am sorry , it's just ---- i really need your help right now" i saw Kristian look at me with concern in his eyes

"How can i help jake ?"

"Do you remember the important party that we are having tonight that i told you about??"

"Yeah , you called it "the golden night " for the VVIP , what about it ?"

"Well, this night is really , really , really important for my new project , and all the people who are going to be here are people that i have specially invited , for a private party" i heard Jake let out a sigh out of frustration before he continued talking " and the fucking main singer just bailed on me "

my whole body stiffened up as i was already excepting his next sentence

"Would you do me this favor ,and take the main singer place tonight "






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