chapter 30

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A\N ; a month and couple of days after meeting kristian

two weeks later:

scarlet's pov:

it's been two weeks since my meeting with mason , and it's been two weeks since I started practicing and getting ready  for my debut , and god knows how scared and tired i am !

 donna and ben have been amazing support through all this , they have been calling me everyday asking if they can help in anyway and sometime they would come over to play with Noah so he wouldn't get bored , lately Noah have been always calling me mom and i can't describe how much I loved it , i never thought i could be this happy for something as simple as this ...

And most importantly my relationship with kristian , it is going great , two weeks ago we had our first date which was quite simple but still amazingly memorable ,  kristian took me to a fancy restaurant on the beach  , we ate and drank wine and we talked for hours about ourselves and our lives before we met each other , we never mentioned our families or any kind of painful memories we just talked about the good and happy things.

there is only one week left before the annual charity event where i will be preforming as the main singer , and today i had my first photo shot which was quite nerve wrecking 

"miss scarlet , miss  ..." the stylist called  , snapping me out off my thoughts 

"yes , i am sorry i must have spaced out for a second , the stylist (marry)  who was appointed to me by mason smiled at me 

"it's alright miss , you must be quite nervous , when the boss told me you won't be wearing the mask unless your singing i was quite nervous too , i thought you didn't want anyone to know who you are "

"no , i only wear the mask when i am on stage , i feel more confident with it , that's all " i smiled at her as i looked at my reflection in the mirror , i looked .... amazing  , my skin looked fresh and my hair had this wet look to it , after marry helped me in first outfit for the photoshoot , i started feeling even more nervous , the dress was dangerously open in the front and it was bold red in colour , i went out off the fitting room and i stared at my reflection for a whole minute until the photographer's assistant told me that its time , when i went out of the room and looked around , i saw all of the people moving a round and moving stuff  and all of a sudden i felt excited , i wanted to do this , i wanted to make my dream come true , and this is the biggest step , after today all of my pictures would be all around NY  and hopefully my name well be known so i can repay kristian for the chance he has given me 

all of a sudden a man with a big beard and tall hair came walking towards me he was holding a big camera and on his face was a massive smile or maybe it was a smirk i couldn't tell 

"miss scarlet , you look gorgeous just like a goddess , i can see why  MR. Russo was insisting on me taking your picture , i can't imagine someone else capturing this divine aura other than me " 

from the way he talked i knew right away that he was that famous photographer the mason told me about his name was 'Paolo' , apparently he would only photograph really important people or extremely beautiful celebrities , and  for some reason Mason didn't want any other photographer other than him 

"MR. Paolo , it is my honour to have such an opportunity to meet you and actually have the chance to work with  you " i said with a wide smile 

"oh you can call me Paolo darling , and let me say this dress is made for you , your gonna look spectacular in your picture , come on now let's not waste any time , everyone take your place " 

Paolo turned to me and told me where to stand and he started telling me how to move and what kind of expressions i should make , sometime i couldn't even understand what he was saying , he  would tell me to give him a stern yet sexy and passionate look he even once told me to look into the far unknown and some kind off abyss, at the end i gave up and just tried to imitate his moves...

i let out a sigh as Paolo finally screamed that we are done for today , it has been almost two hours of us just taking photos , i had to change my dresses three to four times  and of course i had to fix my make up with every new dress , as i  finally left everyone outside to review the photos i went to change my clothes so i can wear something more comfortable , i walked towards the makeup table where i left my phone and i noticed right away that i have  a missed call from kristian , a cheesy smile adorned my face as i dialled his number which i have already memorized 

"are you done *principessa? "   a soft voice came from the other side 

"uhm , we just finished " 

"are you tired ?"

"no i am okay , it was actually quite fun " i  laughed lightly as i told kristian about Paolo and how crazy he is 

"sì , mi ha ricordato fuori mateo ( yes he reminded me off mateo) ,sono entrambi davvero divertente (they are both really funny) " i let out a laugh as i stopped talking when i didn't hear kristian answer me 

"kristian, Stai bene(are you okay?)?" 

sì , Mi dispiace (i am sorry) , i am just glad that your happy , and i am quite delighted that you have been speaking more and more in Italian, you sound really sexy it's getting harder to hold back Mi Gattino "  my whole face flushed as his voice got deeper 

"principessa , i would be at the studio in 15 minutes , i am taking you out on a date " 


"yes now , get ready , i already sent a dress for you , see you soon " right after he finished talking he hanged the phone not allowing me to say anything else

"miss there is a delivery for you  " marry came from behind me with a big box in her hands , i walked towards her and opened the white box and inside it was an amazing black dress that took my breath away , i looked at time and i had almost 10 minutes left , i looked at the dress and decided to go wild 

"marry , can you help me find a dark lipstick colour and black heels please while i go put this on " 

in ten minutes i was ready , i let my hair down freely and took one last look in the mirror before leaving the studio so i can wait outside for kristian , before leaving Paolo asked me if i want to see the photos he decided on , but i just told him that he should choose them himself and i would see them on the day they get published , after saying goodbye i went outside and the moment i stepped out i saw kristian standing there in his black tux and god did he look handsome 

in ten minutes i was ready , i let my hair down freely and took one last look in the mirror before leaving the studio so i can wait outside for kristian , before leaving Paolo asked me if i want to see the photos he decided on , but i just told hi...

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I stared at his handsome face with a small smile , he was staring sternly at his phone with his black glasses on , i let out a small chuckle as i saw him frowning probably at someone from work ... as he heard my chuckle he lifted his eyes off of his phone and looked at me straight a head and in his eyes i saw a big flame , a flame of desire .... 

  To be continued... (☞゚ヮ゚)☞


i don't speak any Italian yet , i just started learning so please forgive me for any mistakes you see , i love you all 

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