Chapter 7

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  As the car sped away, so did every hope and dream in Alois's body. He regreted his previous thoughts of stepping in front of that train; he wanted to live. He wanted to live and smile and laugh and live eveyday with Ciel by his side. Unfortunately, that was no longer an option. He had never seen his father this mad. So mad, he didn't say a word. The blonde stared longingly out the window, watching the senery speed by at warp speed. It was a long way from Ciel's house to his, at least 30 minutes. Alois hoped and prayed that every second would last longer than the last. His heart was beating 10 times faster than humanly possible, and tears once again fell to the earth like big, fat raindrops.

  "Better enjoy this senery, boy." his father barked, causing Alois to whip around. His father's grip was so tight on the streeling wheel, that Alois was suprised t his knuckles hadn't popped off.

 "Do you know how much you ruined my image? the police think I have a disturbed son! You inconsiderate, worthless brat!" his father roared, spit flying. Alois flinched at the words, expecting pain to follow but, alas, nothing happened.

  Suddenly, police sirens screamed behind them causing his father to yell every foul word in the book.

  "Look what you've done! Just look!" His father screamed, pulling over. Alois barely heard his dad. He was too busy gaping at the pack of blue, red and whit cars pulling up behind them, with none other than Ciel Phantomhive sitting in the passenger seat. What in the world was going on?! 

  Once they were stopped, Ciel ripped out of the cop car and made a mad dash to Alois. He opened the door and got the blonde out all before his father could say a word.

  "What? How, Ciel?!" Alois asked as the two sat down on the side of the rode. The police were escorting his father out of the car, binding his hands behind his back.

  "Well, I must confess, I had a little help." Ciel said, pulling Alois close to him. "I persauded the police to interview some of those kids that were at that swimming party. It turns out, some of the people were recording when they took your clothes off, so the police saw all of the brusies on video."

  Alois looked up at Ciel and couldn't stop smiling. "I don't know how I could ever repay you, Ciel! You granted my biggest wish! I'm safe now, and I'll get to be with you. It's all I've ever wanted!"

  The navy haired boy chuckled and wiped away Alois's tears. "Hmm, I can think of a way." Ciel said, leaning in so close to Alois that their foreheads were touching.

  "You come live with me forever, and I think that'll pay the debt."

  Alois blushed at the closeness that was between them, but smiled nonetheless.

  "Yes! Of course!~ I'll stay with you and your little sock fetish."

  Ciel's face became flustered as Alois giggled. "I do not have a sock fetish!"

  "Whatever you say~" the blonde said in a sing-song voice, enjoying how embarassed the boy before him was getting. 

  Suddenly, Ciel leaned in even closer and closed the gap between the boys' lips. Alois was shocked at Ciel's actions, but quickly kissed back.

  "Well," Ciel said, smirking at Alois' blushing face. "I finally know how to make you be quiet."

"S-shut up!!!"


A/N: Ahhhh soooo cheesyyyyy!!!! XD This ending seems so cheesy and forced, but oh well! I hope you enjoy~

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