Chapter 5

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Trigger warning.

It was too much. All too much. Everything was going down hill so fast. Alois ran through down and past the stupid park, ignoring the stinging of his bare feet slapping the concrete. Everyone saw. Everyone saw what that all man does to him. If Ciel didn't put the peices together before, he sure can now. Thoughts swirled inside the blonde's head as he stopped dead in front of the train tracks. He could really do it. He could. End it all right now. A whistle screamed in the distance making Alois' heart race. It was now or never. He felt like he was underwater. His hearing was warped and his eyes were blurry and every move was in slow motion. Alois stepped closer to the track and chuckled. What a news story this would be. "Rich man's son takes his own life." He could see his father's embarrassment now. One step after another as the train roared closer and closer. This was it.

"Don't you dare, Alois Trancy."

Alois turned on his heels just as the train whizzed by, shaking the ground violently. It was Ciel. He was out of breath and sweaty, but it was certantly Ciel. What? Ciel ran after him? But...why?

The two just stared at each other, even long after the train had past. No one could really piece togther a conherent sentence at this point. Finally, Ciel spoke up.

"Don't you ever even think of that, you idiot." the shorter boy said, walking over to the very confused blonde. Alois didn't know what in the world to think. Seconds ago he could have been dead and gone, but Ciel saved him. The same boy that wouldn't even willingly smile or hug him, yet he could save his life? But did Alois really want to die? Did he? Or did he just want to be saved?

Ciel was closer now, closer than he's ever been to the blonde. Only a few steps out of reach. He looked confused and hurt, a look that Alois had never seen grace the boy's face before.

"Why didn't you tell me!?" Ciel suddenly yelled, causing the taller boy to flinch. Alois took a few steps back, looking down. Nothing was going right at all. Now Ciel was mad. The navy haired boy walked closer to Alois, clenching his fists. Silence once again loomed over the boys, before it was broken by something so out of character that Alois thought he was dreaming.

A hug.

Ciel ran up and tackled the blonde with a huge hug. Alois' eyes widened; he had never ever seen Ciel show this much emotion. Taking the opprotunity, Alois hugged him back tightly.

"Who...who did that to you?" The shorter boy asked into the blonde's chest. Alois immediately froze at the question. Should he tell him? Just spill everything? I mean, what was there to loose?

"My f-father." Alois whispered, scared that his father somehow heard his confession. Ciel looked up at him, his eyes full to the brim of concern.

"For how long?" He whispered quietly.

Alois couldn't look Ciel in the eye. He turned away and looked at thee ground.

"Ever since he a-adopted me. When I was 7."

It was quiet once more as Ciel shook his head and turned away.

"Why? Why didn't you tell me, Alois? You were in pain. All this time you were in pain and you didn't tell me." Suddenly Ciel shoved Alois away. The blonde stumbled back and looked at Ciel with wide eyes.

"Why, Alois?! Why didn't you tell me? We're friends, right?! I wouldn've helped you! But, no! You just kept quiet. All that time!" The shorter boy yelled, causing several birds to flee from their trees.

Alois couldn't believe it. He had made Ciel angry by telling him. Didn't he understand that he couldn't've told? Didn't he understand the fear? Didn't he understand the pain?

Tears fell from the blonde's icy blue eyes and, suddenly, he grew angry. He had opened up to Ciel, the boy who he loved, and he just pushed him away? Why!?

"Do you know what would've happened if I did tell you?!" Alois yelled, causing a shocked expression to appear on Ciel's face. "You'd react how you're reacting right now! You'd yell and scream and never want to talk to me again! I didn't want to loose the only friend I've ever had!" Alois was on a roll now, barely stopping to breathe.

"You want to know what else would've happened?! My father would have killed me if he found out! Or, worse, he would drag you into it! He would hurt you too and it'd be all my fault! "I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I was scared! I still am! It's like he's everywhere, Ciel! He's always over my shoulder hearing my every word!" Alois stopped suddenly and took a deep breath.

"I...just want someone me." he whispered, his anger rapidily dissolving into tears. "I-I thought you'd understand, C-Ciel."

Alois was done. It was over. The blonde turned to leave when Ciel grabbed his wrist and turned him around. Alois couldn't even look Ciel in the eye.

"Alois..." The shorter boy said softly, taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry I yelled at you. It was wrong of me. I do understand, Alois. I do. You were just trying to protect me, weren't you? And I thank you for that. You're a really great friend." Ciel said, smiling half heartedly. Alois felt his hear well up with so much happiness and joy. Ciel really thought all of that?!

"But, Alois..'" Ciel continued, looking the taller boy dead in the eyes. "We have to report this. Right now. I won't allow it to go on any further."

Alois' happiness and joy went south just as fast as his smile. They were going to tell on his father?! Tell who? The police? Like they'd believe that!

"Ciel, we can!" Alois half yelled, panic seeping though his words.

"Yes we can, and we will." Ciel said firmly, grabbing the blonde's hand and intertwining their fingers, causing Alois' heart to skip a beat. Just standing there, hand in hand with Ciel and the soft sun setting in the distance, Alois felt like anything was possible. They were going to report his no good father and he'd be able to stay with Ciel. He's never have to look over his shoulder or dread coming home ever again. Everything was going to be perfectly alright.

"Shall we get going?" Ciel asked with a smile. "I'm ready to get your monster of a father thrown in prison."

Alois chuckled and squeezed Ciel's hand. "Can I get dressed first? I don't think we'd be that convincing if I showed up in rainbow swimming trunks."

A/N: Oh, Alois. You and your rainbow swimming trunks. Sorry for this chapter being so anticlimactic and out of character :(((

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