Chapter Two

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Trigger warning for physical abuse and hints of sexual abuse. If any of these topics bother you, please do not read on.

His father had been like this for as long as Alois could remember. The man who beat him wasn't his real father, oh no. He was his adopted father. Alois's real parents died a long time ago along with his little brother. The boy had been absolutely ecstatic when the orphanage said someone wanted to adopt him. Oh how he came to regret it. The man who was now Alois's ''father'' beat him senseless and also did rather perverse things to the boy. Things that make him lay awake feeling dirty and violated.

Alois woke on the floor, still in his clothes from the previous day. Several rays of sunlight shone in through the blinds, signaling the arrival of morning. But Alois couldn't pay much attention to the new day. He was way too worried about the horrible pain in his side and the fresh patches of bruises littering his body. Standing up was like defying gravity. Sure, the boy was use to pain, but this was excruciating. His body screamed as he made his way to the mirror. He saw just what he expected. His clothes were ripped and blood stained. His lip was busted and accompanyed by a huge bruise on his cheek. Every breath was agonizing. Man, his father must have been really angry. Glancing over at the clock, Alois noticed he was way late for school. He cursed under his breath and dressed as fast as his pain tolerance would let him. He was almost positive that a rib or two was broken, but that was the least of his worries. Hiding broken ribs was easy, but a huge fat bruise on the cheek was another. Ususally when this happened, Alois snuck some make-up out of his maid's room and covered it up. It worked for the most part, but it seemed the servants caught on and alerted Alois's father. Needless to say, he would never try that again. "At least the principal will be happy." The blonde grumbled, sliding on a pair of long pants.

"Where were you this morning?" Ciel asked, sitting down at their usual lunch table. Alois rested his head on his hand and giggled. "Did you really miss me that much? Awww! How sweet!" Ciel rolled his eye and handed the blonde a piece of chocolate. "No, it's just that I had to copy all of your notes. And there's going to be a quiz i-"

"Yeah, yeah, that's boring." Alois interrupted, taking a bite of the candy. "Well, don't blame me when you fail!" Ciel scolded. Alois was going to laugh, but was cut short by something wet being poured on his head, "WHAT THE?!" He yelled, jumping out of his chair and whipping around to see two older boys with an empty milk carton. "Whoops, sorry, Trancy. I mistood you for the trash can. My mistake." The whole room shook with laughter and Alois clenched his fists. "What's that on your face, Trancy? Get into a fight with yourself?" One boy cried out, jabbing a finger in the blonde's face. Anger welled inside Alois. He knew he couldn't get into a fight, not with all of the trouble he's already been in. He's be expelled and forced to be home 24/7. Alois took a deep breath and smirked.

"Wow, you freaks must have no life whatsoever if spilling milk on someone is your sole sorce of entertainment." Alois whipping his blonde locks, causing milk to spray everyone. Ciel jumped up beside Alois and grabbed his bag. "I'm leaving before you get us all in trouble." He stated blandly, walking away. "Awwww! You scared your little boyfriend away. How sad. What's up with his eye, anyway? He looks like a freak!" That was it. Alois's fist connected with the guy's face and sent him flying backwards. Before anyone had any time whatsoever to react, Alois ran.

He ran as fast as he could, out of the building and down the road. He shouldn't have punched that kid. He shouldn't have, but he couldn't help it. Hearing someone talk bad about Ciel angered him to no end.

The blonde's legs and chest burned as he ran the corner toward the old park. His body was still sore and painful from last night's events, but he knew he couldn't stop. Tears fell to the ground as he sat down in his usual swing, It was his fault, wasn't it? It was his fault he's bullied and abused. It was his fault Ciel doesn't like him. It was his fault his life was this horrible. He just wanted to be loved. Was that really too much to ask for? He fell out of the swing, clutching his chest and screaming.

Alois cried and cried and screamed at the sky until he could barely keep his eyes open. He half expected Ciel to come find him. To hold him tight and wipe away his tears. But no one came. He was alone, just like always.

The blonde didn't go home that night. He slept under the starry night sky. In the early morning hours he was rudely awoken by rain pouring on him. He cursed and got up, walking aimlessly down the deserted streets. He stared blankly ahead as he walked, not really caring about anything around him nor himself. What did it matter? If he went home, he'd just be beaten. If he showed up at school, he'd be expelled and sent home. He had no one that loved him. No one who cared if he made it home or not. No one at all.

Somehow Alois found himself in front of Ciel's house. He was drenched and in pain, but strangely numb. His brain felt sluggish and disconnected. The blonde dragged himself to the fancy front door and knocked. Ciel's house was almost as big as his. It was huge.

The bluenette opened the door and his visable eye widened. Alois just stood there, not smiling nor frowning, the rain pounding on his back.

"Alois?! Get in here!" Ciel yelled, grabbing the blonde's shirtsleeve and practically throwing him inside. The navy haired boy slammed the door and began talking at a million miles a minute.

"Where have you been? You're in so much trouble at school! You didn't have to punch that kid. God, you're really an idiot, Alois! Do you not care how your actions affect others? Why where you in the rain? Are you just trying to get sick?" Ciel stopped when he noticed Alois wasn't saying anything. He didn't even look up at the other boy. He just stared at the ground, watching the puddle of water accumulate beneath him.

"Alois?" Ciel asked softly. Tears sprung from the blonde's ice blue eyes at the sound of his name being called. Ciel cared, didn't he? "Alois, I'll go get you some fresh clothes, okay? Stay here." With those words, the Phantomhive boy ascended up the staircase.

Alois stood in the in the doorway of his crush's house, shivering and crying and completely breaking down. He held his arms tightly and sank to the floor. He buried his blonde head in his knees and cried.

"Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it!" Alois scolded himself. He had to stop crying like a absolutle fool with no sence of composure. Ciel couldn't see him like this. Ciel had only seen him laughing and smiling like the sun. He had never seen this part of him, and he didn't need to. Alois took several deep breaths, but still couldn't bring himself to smile. It was like something inside was stopping him.


Alois looked up to Ciel crouched down beside him, holding some clothes. Alois stood up slowly, Ciel doing the same, and wiped his tears away hastily.

"Come upstairs, Alois." Ciel said softly, grabbing the other boy's sleeve and leading him upstairs. Without thinking, Alois freed his sleeve from the bluenette's grasp and held the boy's hand tightly. Ciel didn't turn around or say anything, he just squeezed back.

A/N: It's Christmas Eve and what am I doing? Retyping 7 pages of crappy fanfiction! I really should learn not to write my fanfic on paper first. Because tying it out takes foreeevvveeerrrrr~ Anyway, I'm not happy with this because everyone is sooo out of character it's crazy! D: I'm so sorry!

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