Chapter Six

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Once they arrived to Ciel's house, Alois quickly changed into some clothes. The blonde was so excited that he was practically walking on air. His monster of a father was finally going to be put away, and he and Ciel were closer than ever. Things couldn't be better.

  As Alois slid on his socks, he noticed Ciel watching him rather carefully. 

  "What's up? Do you have a sock fetish or something?" The blonde teased, raising an eyebrow. The navy haired boy quickly blushed and looked away.

  "N-No! It''s just that, well, I feel like I have to protect you..." The poor boy barely got the words out of his mouth before a blush spread over his face. Ciel looked extemely uncomfortable, and in return, Alois smiled. The blonde ran over to the blushing bluenette and leaned in close to him.

  "Well, I assure you, putting on socks won't kill me~" With that said, Alois pecked Ciel's cheek and skipped down the stairs, laughing the whole way.

  As Alois but on his shoes, the doorbell rang, sending a shrill noise to spread across the Phantomhive house. Ciel came down the stairs and streghtened himelf up before opening the door.


  "Does Alois Trancy live here?" asked a voice that drained every ounce of color from the blonde's face. No, no, no, no. It couldn't be. It couldn't be his father.

  "Why do you want to know?" Alois heard Ciel ask, but he seemed so far away. 

  Alois, who had already been crouched down tie his shoes, fell back in absolute horror as his father appeared in the doorway.

  There his father stood, his broad body taking up much of the available space. Gathering just the right words, the man smiled, exposing his hippo-like teeth to the world.

  "Ah! Why there he is! My dear boy!" his father bellowed in a fake-happy voice that Alois knew all to well. The blonde was shaking uncontrollably and his mind seemed to be processing things way too slow. Why was this happening? This wasn't suppose to happen!

  "You need to leave." Ciel said, glaring daggers at the man. Alois couldn't breathe. The world was blurry and his body seemed to forget how to function.

  "Excuse me, boy," The man said, fixing his gaze toward Ciel, "I'm here to get my son."

  The man looked directly at Alois, all of the fake emotions breaking away to reveal a scowl.

  "Get up, boy." He commanded through gritted teeth, "We're going home. Now."

  Alois just stared at his father, transfixed in horror.

  "Don't get up." Ciel said, standing in front of thee blonde and seperating him from the nasty old man.

   "Boy, do you know who I am?" His father asked Ciel, tryng to regain his lost composer.

  In responce, Ciel smirked. "Yes, I do." He replied, cooly. "You're an abusive pig that deserves nothing other than to rot and die."

  The wide man scoffed and glared at the short boy in front of him.

  "I'm warning you, kid." He said in a hushed voice. "Step aside right now."

  Ciel didn't move a muscle, causing Alois to drown in panic. His father was serious. He could really hurt Ciel. 

  "If you don't leave right this instance, I will call the police." Ciel demanded, holding his ground. Alois watched in horror as a hideious smirk formed on the face of his father.

  "Oh, that won't be nessicary." the man sneered, as two nicely dressed police officers stepped from either side of the doorway. 

  "Alois Trancy," One of them said, causing the blonde's blood to turn to ice. "I'm going to have to ask you to get up and go with your father."

  Alois looked up at Ciel, his blue eyes filled to the brim with fear. What was he going to do? He couldn't just ignore the police.

  "Officers!" Ciel yelled, prompting the attention of the men. "You cannot let him go with that monster! He's not safe there!"

  The blonde slowly got to his feet and gripped the back of Ciel's arm. He looked between the officers and Ciel and then to his father, trying to think of anything to get them out of this. The officers were staring Ciel down, one with a hautly smirk on his face. That smirk hit Alois harder than his father's fist ever could. They're not going to believe Ciel. His father had the officers like puppets on strings. He donated so much money to the city and the police department, that they'd never even think of going against him. He had too much power. Too much control.

  "Alois Trancy was reported missing more than a week ago and, as you can see, he's been found." One officer said, his eyes flicking to Alois. "Come on, son. Let's go."

  Alois was shaking hard. His breaths were ragged and short. He didn't want to get Ciel in trouble, that would be horrible. He wanted to run away again. Just grab Ciel's hand and run away from the police and his father and the kids at school and just run, run, run. 

  Slowly, Alois let go of Ciel's arm and suddenly felt more alone than ever. His hands were clammy and his skin was pale as he stepped toward the door.

  "Alois! What are you doing? You're staying here with me, remember?" Ciel exclaimed, his voice laced with panic. Alois turned and looked at him. The boy he loved with all of his heart. Ciel was visably scared, but trying extremely hard to hold a brazen face.

  "Ciel.." The blonde whispered, just as his father grabbed his arm and yanked him forcefully out of the house.

  "Did you see that!?" Alois heard Ciel yell as he was being dragged to his father's car. "Did you see how he grabbed him!? That's abuse!"

  Ciel's yells were muffled as Alois was thrown in the car. His father got in a sped away, leaving Ciel far, far behind.

A/N: Thank you everyone for the lovely reviews! I love each and every one of you that actually takes the time to read this crappy story! I'm trying to decide how this story will end. Hmmmmm.......

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