Chapter Four

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"A while" turned out to be the weekend, and the weekend turned into the whole week. Those days were hands down the best days of Alois Trancy's life. He took warm baths and ate huge meals with Ciel then laughed it all off. They played all sorts of games and watched anything from horror films to chick flicks, curled up on the couch under mounds of blankets. They stayed up all night talking, and slept late into the afternoon. Alois blasted music throughout the usually silent manor, trying ever trick in the book to get Ciel to dance. Those days were what someone could only discribe as absolutely wonderful. Ciel hadn't brought up what he's seen, and Alois was grateful for that. Alois was truely and utterly happy for the first time in his life. Oh, if only the good times could last forever.

"What's that?" Alois asked, hanging upside down from Ciel's bed. The navy haired boy read over a small envolpe of sorts, before quickly tossing it aside.

"Nothing important. Just an invatation to a pool party down the street."

Alois perked up at this, for he had never been to a pool party before. He had seen them on TV, of course, but had never actually attended one. He smiled ear to ear.

"Sounds fun!~ Can we go? Pleaseee?~" He begged, falling from his upside down position and flashing Ciel with puppy dog eyes.

The shorter boy crossed his arms and smirked. "Can you even swim?" he asked.

"Of course I can!" Alois lied, taking his turn to smirk. "The question in hand, though, is can you?"

Ciel blushed and turned away, "Of course! What do you take me for? A baby?"

Alois just laughed and stood up. "So, I assume we're going? I can't wait to see you try to out match my master swimming skills!~"

An hour later, Alois and Ciel walked up the street, their swimming trunks on under their clothes. It was at this point that the blonde boy realized that to swim he'd have to take off his shirt. Alois was panicing internally, to say the least. He could always just sit out and watch. Having no fun was better that exposing himself to all the party goers, including Ciel. Or maybe he could just swim with his shirt on? Yeah! Surely he could do that!

"What's wrong?" Ciel asked, smirking as they arrived to the small brick house with a fenced in pool in the back. "Scared of your utter demise?"

Alois chuckled as they rounded the corner and unlatched the gate. "Whatever you say, mate. Just try to not to drown. I don't really feel like playing lifegaurd."

Alois laughed even louder as Ciel elbowed him angrily. The two looked around and saw several kids from school, some arleady swimming, and others standing around drinking soda and joking around. It took the blonde a few minutes to realize all the talking had stopped and all eyes were on him and Ciel.

"Well, well, well," A voice said emerging from the crowd. "Never thought I''d get the chance to see you again, Trancy." It was the kid from school that Alois had punched. He looked the same, aside from a nasty looking black eye. Alois internally cursed himself for being so stupid.

"What? You thought just by skipping school you could avoid me? Ha! You really are stupid, Trancy. Do you know how much of an idiot you made me look like?" The boy stepped closer to Alois and Ciel, causing them to take a step back in return.

"Let's go." Ciel said irritably, grabbing the blonde's arm and turning toward the gate.

"Woah, woah, Phantomhive. Calm down! I just want to ask blondie here a simply question. I swear I won't lay a single finger on him." The boy said, holding his hands up, as if to signify his sincerity. Slowly, Ciel turned back around, but didn't let go of Alois' wrist, much to the blonde's relief.

All was silent for a while as the rest of the kids got out of the pool and gathered around to see what was happening. Alois' heart was pounding in his chest. Finally, the black eyed boy smirked. A smirk that sent chills down Alois' spine.

"Surely you got the memo, freak. This is a pool party. Wearing clothes simply will not do."

Before Alois could even breathe, Ciel was ripped from beside him and several kids took his place and began ripping and tugging at the blonde's clothes. Alois went into complete pain mode, and began thrashing around and screaming.

"Stop it!" Ciel yelled, but was soon held down by more kids.

"Take it all off!" yelled the black eyed boy, laughing at the tears now streaming from the blonde's eyes.

Alois struggled against his attackers, using all of his strenght to try to shove them off, but they were just way too strong. "Please! I'm sorry!" Alois screamed just as the kids succeed in their misson of yannking off his clothes. There Alois stood, only in his swimming trunks, shaking with absolute fear as silence hung over the scene. Everyone was staring wide eyed at the blonde before them, taking in all of the bruises covering the boy's entire body. Crying harder than ever, Alois did what he'd done once before, he ran.

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