Chapter Three

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Once they reached Ciel's room, Alois reluctantly let go of the boy's hand and looked around the lavish bedroom. It was absolutly huge, filled to the brim with furniture and all of the latest electronics.

"Here are the clothes. I hope they fit." Ciel said, handing the blonde the clothes. Alois nodded and lifted his shirt halfway off when he froze completely. Ciel was still in the room, standing right in front of him. He could see all of the brusies. Alois quickly slid his shirt back down to reveal that Ciel's eye had gone wide. The blonde sheepishly tugged at the end of his shirt as he tried to think of something to break the heavy silence that sufficated the two. There was no use denying it, Ciel had seen.

"Alois...What happ-"

"Ciel, can you please leave for a moment? I'd like some privacy." Alois asked, cutting the boy off before he could ask any unwanted, awkward questions. Ciel stood there a moment longer before nodding and exiting the room.

Alois ripped his shirt off angrily and cursed out loud. Ciel had seen his body! The body that that old man touched and violated and beaten! This was not good at all. Alois took a huge breath and slid on the nice, warm clothes, as he tried to think of something he could do to fix this situation. Now things were going to be beyond awkward between the two. It could possibly even break their friendship. Maybe they could just pretend nothing happened? Maybe he should tell? Even if he did tell Ciel, what good would that do? It's not like Ciel could do anything about it. Alois sighed heavily and formulated a plan. It was simple, really. He would laugh and smile just like always, and pretend nothing at all happened. It wouldn't do any good to be quiet and sulk, that would just add to the problamatic atmosphere that already surrounded them. He'd just have to ignore it all for the sake of this friendship.

"Okay, Ciel, I'm done!~" he yelled. The navy haired boy entered rather slowly as Alois greeted him with a huge smile.

"Thanks oh so much for the clothes! I feel so much better now that I'm out of those sopping clothes! I was freezing!~" The blonde laughed, plopping down the huge bed. Ciel just stared at him as the deathly silence fill the room once again.

"Wow your bed is soft~" Alois remarked, giggling. Minutes pasts and finally Alois felt Ciel sit down on the edge of the bed.

"Hey, Alois?'' The navy haired boy asked, cause the blonde to perk up.


Ciel looked intently at his hands for a while, before slowly meeting Alois' gaze.

"How about you stay here for a while? Maybe for the weekend? You know, if you want to. You don't have to show up at school or anything."

Alois shot up from the bed and look at Ciel with glittering eyes and huge all-natural smile.

"What!? Are you serious?" He asked, barley able to stop himself from attacking the other boy with a hug and proceeding to dance around the room. Ciel smiled ever so slightly. "Sure. What are friends for?"

A/N: Ahhhh Merry Christmas everyone!~ I spent Christmas at my grandma's house getting called fat by my cousin and hiding out in the back room. Yay for horrible social skills! Anywho, I'm sorry this chapter is so short! XP I considered merging it with the next chapter, but then it would be too looonng! Ughh confusion is my life.

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