How Long Have Things Been This Perfect?

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I looked over at Katherine as I drove. She was sound asleep. I laughed, but then mentally slapped myself for being loud. Seeing Kat sleep reminded me off how tired I was.

Determined not to crash my crappy car, I turned on some music to wake me up. I even got crazy and did a little dance in my seat as I drove. I figured I may as well go all the way, so I sang along with the song on the radio. "Hey I just met you, and this is crazy, but here's my number, so call me maybe!"

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA," laughter roared from next to me. I swerved and almost hit a street light, but the laughter didn't even slow down a bit. The song was still playing on the radio. I tried to hide my embarrassment as I turned off the radio. "How much did you see?" I asked the now wide awake Kat. "Every single, wonderful moment of it," she only stopped laughing long enough to answer my question.

I rested my forehead against the steering wheel and tried to save some of my dignity, "I was tired." Of course that only made Katherine crack up again. She practically yelled, "You sure didn't look tired!!! You've gotta teach me those moves! Oh and you can give me voice lessons!!!"

Well, there went my dignity, flying out the window.


Chris was absolutely hilarious, especially when he wasn't trying to be. My sides ached from laughing. "Whatever," he mumbled, "How was the party?" That sneaky boy, trying to change the subject on me. "That dance of yours was about twenty times better than the party," I said, and I meant it. Chris smiled and replied, "I win!" I wanted to tell him that he won everytime, he would always beat the losers at those parties. But hey, I was covered in alcohol and puke, not the best time.

"Thanks for the ride Chris," I said in a soft voice. He looked over at me with a confused grin. "Kat, I've been driving you everywhere since the day I got my car. It's not big deal." I sighed, and that only made Chris looked more confused. He just didn't get it, he didn't get how much this stupid stuff meant to me. "Exactly. No one else would do that. There's a reason that I call you whenever I get myself in some serious crap, like I did tonight," I tried to explain, "I never thank you for it either. Damnit, I never thank you for anything. Now I'm rambling like an idiot, but....yea, I don't know."

Then Chris laughed. He laughed! I looked at him shocked, but he didn't even flinch. "Are you drunk?" he asked me. I shook my head, now it was my turn to be confused. "We've been parked in front of my house for ten minutes," he just barely stifled his laughter. I opened the car door and tried to hide my embarrassment. I heard Chris laugh behind. "You're stupid," I told him as he dug out his keys.

Chris immediately laid down on his couch, so I let myself into his room. I pulled out a red hoodie and a pair of his boxers and quickly changed. "Crappy party, " I muttered to myself absentmindedly. Why had I gone? I'd insisted, when I'd known it was going to be crappy. "I'm an idiot!" I said, flinching at how loud and angry my voice came out.

"No you're not!!!" Chris yelled from his living room. I jumped, I'd thought he was asleep. I stomped down the hall with my hands on my hips, "Chris, you nearly scared my last breath out of me, you're supposed to be asleep, not listening to my angry, self-deprecating rants," I continued as Chris rolled over on the couch.

A lazy smile crossed his face. "I'm sorry, I'll be sure to watch my volume next time. Not like I live here or anything," he teased. I glared at Chris and he sighed. "Seriously though, stop saying you're an idiot, because, damnit, you're not," the sudden seriousness of Chris' voice startled me, quite honestly, I think it startled him too.

"If you're an idiot, then I must belong in a freaking asylum," he made a quick recovery and finished on a teasing note. Still though, I looked at Chris suspiciously. He acted like he didn't notice and rolled over. "Whatever," I threw over my shoulder as I walked back to his room. "Idiot!" He yelled.

That was Chris for you.

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