How Long Did I Worry About a Situation Like This Arising?

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When I realized that the sun wasn't going to disappear anytime soon, I finally rouse myself from sleep. Pushing back the blankets, I stretched my arms and yawned. Morning had come way too quickly.

The room smelled like smoke. Not smoke from a fire, but cigarette smoke; the worst kind. That was weird. No one in my family smoked.

Oh yea, I wasn't in my bed at home. Allow me to explain.

After Chris left the party, after the kiss, I'd only gotten drunker. I guess I was trying to forget the fact that I'd just made Chris leave and he might not come back. It worked. For a while.

After a few more drinks, I could barely stand. Or see. Or speak. Or function. So I'd stumbled into an unoccupied bedroom, and locked the door behind me. I don't even know who's house it was. But the bed was comfortable. Then again, in the state that I was in, a rock would've been ideal. Obviously, my judgement was not at it's best.

My mom always told me to never sleep in a stranger's house. Too late. Oops.

Now, I couldn't forget what happened last night. My head was pounding and my legs ached. I was in the same clothes I'd been in all night at the party. I'd kissed Chris. And he sped off.

And I didn't go after him.

Definitely not one of my shining moments.

I groaned and willed willed myself out of bed. I stood up slowly and cringed. Now I was remembering one of the many reasons I'd given up drinking. This sucked.

Where the h*ll was my phone? I cursed under my breath and pulled the blankets off the bed, hoping it was there. Ahh, there it was, right on my pillow. Well, it wasn't my pillow, it was a random dude's from school, but whatever. Maybe he wasn't even from school. Who knows?

Geez, this was pathetic.

I guess I'd slept on my phone all night. D*mn, I must've been really out of it. "Well obviously," I muttered to myself.

A mirror hung over the back off the bedroom door. I examined myself slowly and came to a quick conclusion. I looked like sh*t. And I felt like it too.

My hair was stuck to the back of my neck and it looked like I hadn't touched a brush in days. My makeup had smeared and I was sporting some nasty raccoon eyes. My clothes were wrinkled. And I was barefoot. Only an idiot could manage to lose their shoes like that.

I, clearly, was an idiot. It made me remember the way Chris would chase me down and make me take it back every time I called myself stupid. Now that he wasn't here to tell me otherwise, I could say it loud and clear. "I am a f*cking idiot!" I yelled at my reflection.

And the cherry on top was the result of sleeping on my phone all night. There was now an indentation of my phone's keypad across my cheek. Great. If my hair hadn't been a matted mess on top of my head, I would've used it to cover the phone tattoo. But no such luck. I'd walk around with a phone keypad on my face all day.

Wait, what time was it? When I used to get drunk every weekend, I could sleep till 3:00pm the next day. I checked my phone for the time. 9:00 am. Not bad. I'd missed home-room, but I could still make it to school in time for next period.

Then I noticed something else on phone. Well, I noticed the absence of something on my phone. No texts. No calls. No voicemails. Not even from Chris. Not even from one of the thirsty dudes at the party, or the desperate, slutty girls.

So far, my presence hadn't been missed and my absence hasn't been noticed.

The same would apply at school. Without Chris by my side, I'd murder Alison and her friends. Then I'd go to jail. And I can't live in jail. The food there sucks. And then I couldn't watch movies with Chris.

How Long is Forever?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora