How Long Will I Regret This?

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Wow, this kid was a d*mn good kisser. But I was better. Plus, I'm very humble. Total package. Ahhh, life was amazing.

And as for whatever was in that cup I drank, that sh*t should be worth more than gold. Why did I ever give this up?

I giggled and kissed him more urgently. Butterflies floated around my stomach. But maybe that was just the alcohol making me queasy. Who knows.

Screw Alison and Dylan. I had this guy. I pulled back so that I could see his face. Oh how sweet, Chris looked back at me.

Hold up. Chris? Chris was the dude I've been making out with? Huh, did not notice that. Maybe had a bit too much to drink...


Well, congrats to him. He just had his first kiss. With the hottest girl at this party.

Did I mention that I was humble already?

If this was what happened when I drank, I'd have to do it more often.



Was Kat seriously kissing me? Woah, she must use strawberry lip gloss or something. Strawberry is my favorite fruit. This wasn't too bad.

SH*T. Focus Chris. You're making out with your hot best friend.

CR*P. I just called Kat hot. Not that she wasn't, she's beautiful, but she's my best friend.

But her lips taste so good, and her hands in my neck are warm, and-


Nah, this had to be a dream. Just to be sure, I pulled back and untangle her arms from around me. Well, her arms felt pretty real. She pouted when I took a step back.

I faced the wall and slowly counted to three. Then I smacked my forehead against the wall. Yep, that was real pain that quickly spread throughout my head. D*mnit, that hurt. Why couldn't I have just pinched myself? That would've been so much more simple.

Wait, this was real then.

Holy sh*t.

"Chris," Kat whined, "Come back here." She pulled me towards her and dove for my lips again. I tried to dodge her, but I just couldn't.

Look, my dad gets more action than I do. So when a hot girl leans in, I'm not exactly going to push her away. Unless I intend to be a 40 year old virgin. Come on, I'm a teenage boy.

But this was Kat!!! When that finally sunk in, I had to pull back. I couldn't do this.

"Kat," I tried to explain, but she just sighed and sagged against the wall. Her breath reeked of alcohol. Wait, what?

I slowly put the pieces together. She was drunk. That's the only reason she'd kissed me. I'd be surprised if she remembered this in the morning.

Disappointment swirled in my chest. I tried to crush it as quickly as I could.

That explains everything. Kat was more drunk than Ed Sheeran had to have been when he wrote the song "Drunk."

"I thought you gave up drinking," I said in a monotone voice. Kat continued to lean against the wall for support. This was pathetic.

She knew I hated alcohol. Alcohol is the reason mom left. Mom couldn't take dad's drinking. So she left. Kat knows that. But she's standing in front of me, drunk as h*ll.

She shrugged and rested her head against the wall. "You told me you quit drinking," I tried to keep the anger out of my voice. But I could feel it growing inside if me. She had promised me.

"I'm tired," Kat complained and leaned in my direction. I jerked back before she could touch me. She stumbled forward and barely caught herself. I couldn't look at her.

Kat was supposed to be beautiful and honest and stubborn. She'd always kept her sh*t together. Now she was standing in front of me, her make up smeared and covered in the stench of alcohol. Her dress was slipping off of her shoulder and her hair was sticky.

"You told me you wouldn't drink again," I shouted. She didn't seem to notice.

"Can we go home now?" She groaned. She reached a hand out and set it on my shoulder to steady herself. I grabbed her wrist and tore it off my shoulder. "I'm leaving," I hissed and spun on my heel.

Don't look back. Do not look back. I knew if I looked behind me, I'd see Kat and I wouldn't be able to leave. I had to get out of here.

I got halfway to the door before I couldn't stand it anymore. I looked back. I prepared myself to see a tear-stained face, to hear pleading apologies.

But she wasn't there.

She hadn't come after me.


I waved at Chris' back as he stalked away from me. I grinned and waved until he was out of view. He probably just had to pee. He'd be back in a few minutes. No one ever left me like that. It was me, people don't just leave like that.

I sat on the dirty carpet and waited for him to return. I tapped my foot on the wall and drew pictures with my finger in the carpet. Where was he? Why was he taking so long?

The carpet started to feel to hard beneath me. I'd go watch cars drive by. That always calmed me down. Not that I needed to calm down. I was as cool as a cucumber.

I giggled at my own joke. I was so clever.

I skipped over to a window in the front of the house. Well, I tried to skip. I might've fallen once or twice. Maybe three times. I don't remember.

Anyway, I got to the window somehow. I pulled the curtain back and looked outside.

I watched Chris get into his car. Maybe he was getting me more beer. Yea, that had to be it. That was so nice of him! Chris is so considerate.

He sped away and didn't look back. Where was he going? We just had an amazing kiss, and now he was speeding away. Rude.

Wait. F*ck. We kissed.

We kissed. I'm drunk. And he's gone.

Ahhh cr*p.

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