How Long Until I Lose it and Strangle this B*tch?

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"So are you going to the party this weekend?" Alison squealed while we ate lunch at school. I willed myself not to push her off the bench. Instead, I nodded my head and shoved some spaghetti in my mouth.

"Oh my God, don't eat like that! Guys are watching," she whispered into my ear. She was way to close to me. I subtly scooted a few inches away.

"Anyway, we should car pool again!" Alison pronounced, obviously not noticing that I wanted to scream. She flipped her hair over her shoulder and grinned at me expectantly. No one rejected Alison. Even when it was just a car pool request. Except me.

"Actually, I'm going with Chris," I returned her smile. She eyed me suspiciously. I glanced at her eyes. They were a light blue color. Too bad you could barely see them under all the eye makeup. Her loss. Not my problem.

"Are you like, going going with Chris? Or are you just going with him?" She lowered her voice and looked worried for me. What was she talking about? Sometimes I truly believed that Alison spoke a different language.

"What?" I asked simply, being careful not to put too much effort into my answer. I didn't want anyone to think I actually cared about this conversation.

"Are you and the Chris dude an item?" Alison screeched. Seriously? I shook my head at her.

"Alison, I'm getting a ride from him. That doesn't mean I'm gonna marry him," I told her. She was still clueless to the fact that the farther she took this conversation, the more she was endangering her pretty little face.

"Oh good," she placed her hand on her chest in relief. What was she trying to say about Chris? Suddenly I did care about this conversation.

"Why is that good?" I asked, trying to keep my tone level.

"Well he's a little...ummm, different. Plus he's not your type, you can do so much better than him!" Alison chirped happily.

Nope. Screw this. I was done. Time to go.

"I'm not hungry," I growled and stood up, "You'd be lucky if Chris so much as looked at you."

I trudged out of the lunch room. I heard Alison yell my name a few times. Ehhh, didn't care. People watched me stomp out. Ehhh, didn't care. I was probably just being dramatic. Ehhh, didn't care.

The halls were empty, so I stood at my locker and made myself look busy. I could do better than Chris? No I could not.

I heard someone walking down the hallway, and blocked my face with my locker door.

"What's up?" Chris asked. Oh, it was only him. I closed my locker and smiled. "Not much, you?" I asked trying to sound pleasant.

"Yea, I saw that thing in the lunchroom. It didn't look like 'not much' to me," he shrugged and raised his eyebrows.


"Just Alison being Alison," I tried to sound like I wasn't bothered.

Chris flicked my forehead. "Come on, knock off the act," he crossed his arms over his chest stubbornly, "What's wrong?"

"Oww," I mumbled and rubbed my forehead. Chris look at me expectantly. I sighed, knowing he wasn't going to give in anytime soon.

"Alison trashed you," I muttered, feeling stupid for even spending time with her. Why did I even bother? Seriously, I had no idea.

"I don't care," Chris chuckled and tried to cheer me up a bit. Not working.

"But I do!" I shouted.

Chris sighed. "Alright. What'd she say?"

I recounted my whole conversation with Alison. Chris just nodded the whole time. Why wasn't he reacting? He should've been pissed of with Alison.

"You probably could do better-," he started to say, but I interrupted him. He put a hand over my mouth, silencing me. "-But you chose not to. I don't understand why. But I'm glad you chose to stick with me." He finished and uncovered my mouth.

"Don't be stupid!" I frowned at him.

"You say the sweetest things," he teased and poked my shoulder, "Go eat."

Yea, I really couldn't do any better

than Chris.


Alison was a jack*ss. That was was obvious. Not because she enjoyed trash talking me. But because she was making Kat feel like an idiot.

It'd get worse if I went to the party. Alison talked. A lot. And if Kat showed up with me, Alison would make sure the whole country knew. Especially after Kat stormed away from her at lunch.

I wouldn't go to that party if it was only going to make things harder for Kat. So I wouldn't go. I know it selfish, but maybe I'd even talk Kat into staying home too. We could go to the river or something.

I'd convince her tonight. Forget Alison. Forget the party. I knew she wanted to.

Yea, I was being selfish. But honestly, who isn't?

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