How Long Until You Shut Up?!

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I honked a few times from Kat's driveway, really hoping she was already awake. I absolutely could not be late for school today. There was a history exam, a huge one, and I needed to pass.

I'd been up till 2am studying. I wasn't about to fail just because I showed up late. I think I'd actually cry if that happened. Just kidding, I don't cry. Hahahaha. It was quite pathetic that I laughed at my own jokes. Oh well.

I chugged down some coffee and jogged up Kat's driveway. I ran a shaky hand through my hair. Yes, my hands do shake. No one drinks this much caffeine without any side affects. The way I see it, five cups of coffee a day is better than five beers a day.

Mom used to always lecture me about how I was screwing with my body by drinking so much coffee. Then shit happened and I'm not sure she remembers my name. Crap, I was going to need a lot of coffee today.

"Alright Kat, we can do this two ways. Either you come down here, ready to go, and let me in. Or I pound on your door and yell for ten minutes, waking up all the neighbors. Your choice, but either way we leave in five," I shouted through Kat's front door.

A pillow flew out of an upstairs window and landed at my feet. Kat had gone to new extremes to get her sleep. Chucking pillows at me from ed window? Creative. I'd have to up my game. "I see you've chosen option two. I will now yell and knock until you're ready," I hollered towards Kat's open window. And trust me, I did yell and pound.

The door flew open and there stood Kat. She had a half eaten piece of plain toast in her mouth, her backpack was wide open and hanging precariously from her shoulder, and she held a tube of mascara in her hand. "I'm oing me make-oop in you car," she said through the toast in her mouth. I groaned in protest, she always ended leaving make up in my car. "You brought this upon yourself," she said removing the toast from her mouth.

I held my hands up in surrender and Kat slipped into the passenger seat of my car.


I fell into my desk in 3rd period just as the bell rang. The teacher gave me a dirty look, then turned back to her papers. I rolled my eyes and pushed my hair over my shoulders. It was math time. I'd rather have teeth pulled.

"Class, if you'll take out your books and turn to page 144, we'll begin," she said, sounding just as bored as us.

I reached into my bag for my math book and turned to some guy to ask for a pencil. Where was my math book? The guy next to me fumbled for a pencil for me, and mentioned some party, asking if I'd like to go with him. I shook my head with an unapologetic smile, and grabbed the pen from him. He looked a little disappointed, but I just went back to my bag. Where was my freaking book?!

"Shit!" I burst out before I could stop myself.

"Detention for you, Katherine," the teacher countered. My math book was in Chris' car, it must've fallen out of my backpack. "May I be excuse for a moment please?" I asked, trying to fake some kind of manners. "What for?" She asked me. The whole class was amused by my predicament. "Bathroom," I lied and rushed from the room.


I mentally prepared myself for the exam as I took out a pencil. The teacher passed out the test, and I cracked my knuckles. I know, it's a bad habit.

"You have 45 minutes to complete this exam. Begin," we were told. I picked up my pencil and went to the first question. When the f*ck did we learn this? I was screwed. Maybe the next question would be easier....Nope. I groaned and accepted my demise.

"Go away," I mouthed at the glass window in the classroom door. Halfway through the test, Kat had showed up at the window. She was gesturing wildly and trying to tell me something. I shook my head, trying to make her leave. I had to finish the damn test.

There were three things wrong with this situation. 1. I was trying to take a stupid exam!!! 2. Wasn't Kat supposed to be in class right now? And 3. Sadly, I cannot read lips to save my life.

I flicked my wrist at Kat, gesturing for her to go away. She raised her arms in exasperation. A determined look crossed her face, and it made me fear what she would do next. Kat's hand reached for the door knob, and I shook my head furiously.

The whole class looked up when Kat walked in the door. I slapped my hand to my forehead and groaned. "Miss, we're in the middle of an exam, I'm going to have to ask you to leave," the teacher told her sternly. Kat smiled sweetly and replied, "I only need one of your students for a moment, please." No, no, no, no, no. The teacher gave into her charm, and Kat approached my desk.

"Can this wait?" I whispered. "Nope," she responded, not even trying to be quiet. "Kinda busy right now," I said picking up my test and waving it in front of her. She rolled her eyes and grabbed my arm. I shook my head and refuse to stand up. Kat tugged and gave me an impatient look.

I looked at the clock. Ten minutes left. Shit. "I have ten freaking minutes to finish this damn test!!! What do you want?!" I shouted. "Christopher! Leave my classroom his instant!" The teacher yelled back. I shoved my half-done test into his hands and muttered some profanities under my breath.

Apparently I hadn't been quiet enough, because the teacher yelled, "Detention, Christopher!" I groaned and stalked out the room. Detention and an F. I was doing super. Kat trailed after me, looking quite pleased with herself.

"WHAT?!" I yelled the second the door closed behind us. Kat smirked at how irritate I was. "I need your keys," she stated simply. I swear my eye twitched right there. "All of that for CAR KEYS!?!?" I shouted. Had I really just flunked that test AND gotten detention for freaking car keys?!?!

I massaged my temples and tossed my keys at her. "See you after school?" Kat asked as my keys fell to the floor in front of her. Her hand-eye coordination sucked. "Nice catch," I smirked, "And yea. Now get lost."

Kat sauntered down hallway. "By the way, you should relax a bit. It's just a test," she said lightly. HA!

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