How Long Will it Take for One of My Plans to Actually Work?

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"I'm a fool," I muttered to myself as I saw Kat on the horizon. How was I supposed to act like her boyfriend all day? We'd win the "Most Dysfunctional Couple of the Year," award.

There's on huge flaw in this plan. I'd never had a serious girlfriend. So how was I supposed to know how to act like I in a relationship? Sure, I see couples around town all the time. But I usually just try to look the other way. Why did we think we'd be able to pull this off?!

"Chris! Over here!" Kat squealed and waved as soon as I stepped out of the car. Is that what girlfriends do? If so, maybe I was smart to never have one.

I trudged over with my hands in my pockets. Kat smiled a sickly-sweet smile at me and pounced on me for a hug. "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked her, feeling awkward. "This guy was being rude to me. Make him stop, please," Kat whined, jutting out her bottom lip.

I put my arm around Kat, trying to look intimidating. "Who are you?" I asked the guy and eyes him suspiciously. "Sean. What's up with your chick? Seems a little sensitive," he teased.

Sean? His name was Sean? Why did that sound so familiar? I scanned his face, searching for a clue. He looked so familiar. I swear, I've met him before.

Kat elbowed me in the side, trying to make me speak. I looked down at her, and she wore an impatient expression. Oh yea, I was supposed to be putting on a show. I opened my mouth to talk to this Sean guy. Then it hit me.

"Sean!" I shouted in recognition. Kat glared at me and elbowed me again. But I knew this guy! Sean looked at me for a moment, very confused. At that point, both of them stared at me like I belonged in an asylum.

"You know Kyle, don't you?" I asked Sean. "Uhh...yea. He's a buddy of mine," he answered slowly. "I know you!" I yelled excitedly, removing my arm from Kat. "Kyle's my cousin. I've met you at his place a few times," I explained."Oohhhhh, I knew I. Recognized you!" Sean said, finally figuring it out.

Kat crossed her arms and sighed. "How'be you been? Haven't seen you in forever," Sean asked me. "Good, just the usual," I replied. "Nice catch, by the way," Sean said, gesturing to Kat, "Congrats man." He chuckled.

"We're not-" I started to explain, but Kat clamped her hand over my mouth. "He was going to say that we're not going to be breaking up anytime soon," Kat finished for me, with a forced smile. "Ohh, yea," I remembered why I was here in the first place. Told you I wasn't a good actor.

"We'll we've got to get going," Kat said, tugging on my arm and giving me a look. I didn't move at first, making Kat put all her strength into pulling me away. But I hadn't seen Sean in ages.

"Hey Sean, why don't you come over for a bit? We need to catch up," I suggested, earning another glare from Kat. "Sounds good to me, but I rose my bike here," he responded. Kat started to say, "Oh well," but I interrupted, "There's room for you and the bike in my car," I provided helpfully.

"You suck at acting," Kat mumbled as we all headed towards my car.


"Oh yea! That was hilarious!" The guys yelled over the music Chris was playing. Chris and the Sean guy were in the front seats laughing at Chris' cousin.

For some incomprehensible reason, Chris thought it'd be a good idea to blast his radio. Between the music and the guys yelling and laughing, I was sure I'd go deaf before we reached Chris' house.

They'd also thought that I'd have no problem with being squished into the backseat with Sean's bike. Every time we turned, the handle bars jabbed me in the ribs. It was delightful, really.

"I liked it better when I thought you didn't have any friends," I hollered sarcastically at Chris. He looked at me in his mirror and chuckled. "Eyes on the road, idiot," I yelled after he hadn't broken eye-contact and almost hit a tree.

"She's a feisty one, isn't she," Sean provided his option on the situation.

"H*ll yes I am," I said, crossing my arms and leaning back in my seat.

Chris unloaded Sean's bike from the car, telling him about how he worked at the bike shop downtown. I bet Chris would love to have a customer he didn't want to strangle.

"Ouch!" Kat yelled. I looked over the backseat, where the handlebars were buried in Kat's side. "Oops?" I offered, and she glared at me.

"Is the happy couple fighting?" Sean piped up.

"Watch it," I told him, "Or hook you up with my devil of friend."

"Oohhhhh are we talking about Alison?" Chris asked excitedly. I nodded, an evil plan brewing in my head. "Please do, I'm open to suggestions," Sean smirked.

The two of then would be perfect together. Alison would leave me alone, and Sean would shut up. And they'd both have someone equally annoying as their as their companion. It was genius! I'd be free!!!

And it wasn't a completely evil plan. I'm sure they'd be happy together. Alison was lonely and forever on some guy's trail. And Sean was desperate enough to hit on girls he didn't know.

Call me Ms. Matchmaker.

Chris watched me as I scribbled Alison'a number on a napkin and gave it to a very eager Sean.

I smirked at my own genius. I could be free within the week. Happily, I sauntered into Chris' house.

How Long is Forever?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora