How Long Until I Get Some Answers?

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Kat always liked making an entrance, but his was definitely a new one. She whimpered from the sidewalk, hiding her face behind her hair.

"What the actual f*ck are you doing?!" I yelled at her. But my voice wasn't angry. It was more of a what-the-sh*t-is-happening-here type of yell. Kat was laying on the sidewalk in front of Jesse's house. And let me point out that she's never even met Jesse. She's dressed like a hobo, and my bike is a tangled mess of metal on the ground next to her.

All my years of going to school did not prepare me for a situation like this. I think I was frozen in place; I couldn't move and I couldn't take my eyes off of the mess on the sidewalk.

"I think I need a bandaid," Kat mumbled and poked at at a patch of red, angry skin on her knee. She refused to make eye contact with me, still.

"Jesse!" I yelled for him to help me out here. I needed backup. Well, I needed a lot of things. Like an explanation, a hug, some food, money, a vacation, Kat, and- yea the list goes on and on. But like Kat had helpfully pointed out, she needed a bandaid. I looked at the scrapes on her legs and arms. Yea, she'd probably need more than just a bandaid.

"What's up? I heard you ye- What the h*ll happened here?" Jesse appeared next to me in his doorway.

"Took the words right out of my mouth," I mumbled under my breath. Jesse rushed down the front steps, and over to Kat. Finally, I made my legs work and followed Jesse. Being the @sshole that I am, I rushed over to my bike and surveyed the damage before I even glanced in Kat's direction. Hey, a guy's got to have his priorities.

Jesse cleared his throat and elbowed me in the ribs. "Yes?" I answered him without looking away from my bike. Lordy, I'd have to put an entire two month's pay to fix this thing. My poor baby. Who would do this to such a beautiful machine? I nearly cried when I ran my finger over a small chip in the neon blue paint of my bike. I had taken me all summer to perfect the mechanics of this bike and now-

"Chris!" Jesses ruined the intense moment between me and my baby. (Yes, I refer to my bike as my baby. No one ever said I was sane, did they?") Jesse cocked his head in Kat's direction, trying not to be obvious about it.

I finally turned my attention to Kat. She almost had an amused smile on her lips, watching me fuss over my baby. Excuse her, this was serious business. My baby was hurt.

"Umm, dude? Who's the girl laying on my sidewalk and what's up with you and that hunk of metal?" Jesse asked once it became obvious that I wouldn't be catching on to his subtlety anytime soon.

Oh yea, Kat. Right. She wasn't supposed to be here. And neither was my bike.

"Chris," Jesse elbowed me again, "Wake up."

I told my brain to do something normal. Normal....What an interesting concept. Cuddling a bike isn't normal, I'm not too far gone to know that. I made myself stand up and step away from the bike. Ok, what's another normal thing? Oh, I could introduce the girl laying on the sidewalk to the random stranger whose house I happened to be staying in.

Great idea, idiot.

"Umm, Kat this is Jesse, Jesse this Kat," I introduced him awkwardly. Jesse looked from Kat to me, and a look of understanding crossed his face.

"It's a pleasure," Kat grumbled. I vaguely remember Kat and Jesse having a quick conversation, including phrases like, "I'm fine, I just fell," and "Does that hurt?" Then Jesse slowly helped Kat stand up and got her into the house. I watched them hobble up the driveway, and watched Kat drop onto Jesse's worn couch; which for the time being, was my bed.

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