5 | avery hasn't told you?

Start from the beginning

Camilla's eyes widened as she analyzed me, stunned for a quick second, before smiling. "Thanks. Wow, why didn't you wear makeup at the academy? I mean it's subtle but wow."

I never had much experience with cosmetics in my life. Still, I realized that I had needed to look presentable in order for my plan to go well tonight so I spent a painful hour transforming myself. Aiming for a 90s look, I faked a blowout and managed to apply mascara without blinding myself. As I ran out of time, I quickly chose a black satin dress, with a cowl neck, that showed curves I didn't have and flowed past my knees, midi length. I quickly threw on one of the pairs of Louboutin heels Father gave to me as a present last week and next season's black Dior handbag.

I didn't want to tell her that our whole family had all our clothes made by a very private, very exclusive, designer of haute couture so I shrugged, "Oh, it's an old dress my mother had."

By the way Camilla's lips tightened, I knew that she didn't buy it. "We should go."

Camilla drove a bright blue Porsche. I got in the passenger seat and then she started pulling out of her driveway. "So, Vesper, have you ever been to big parties?"

"Not frequently," I shrugged, recalling my time at boarding school.

The school was in a remote area that took an hour to drive to the city. Of course, everyone there had their car but no one was allowed to drive it off campus without permission. Still, there was always that one person who snuck off to get alcohol. The parties were often known by the whole student body because news always traveled fast around there.

"Parties here," Camilla grinned, "they're incredibly wild. It's not messy, of course, we're rich, but it definitely lasts a while."

"How big are they?"

"Let's just say that private schools nearby will drive an hour to attend."

Nearby? Of course. The area was filled with huge houses that would take up miles. The next district would have been at least an hour away with a private school for people like us. Of course, Queens Academy could not be rivaled.

"Do they go?"

"They? The blue bloods, you mean?" Camilla glanced over at me as if by now I should have caught on. "Of course. It's Avery Dragomir's birthday party. Besides, no party is a party without them."

Ten minutes later, we arrived at a sprawling mansion larger than mine. Already, several cars were parked at the far back of the humongous driveway, which was also littered with throngs of girls in sparkly heels and guys with beers in their hand. The expensive kind.

"Just remember, Vesper," Camilla elevated her voice as the music controlled by the DJ was amped up, "It's dark so try not to get lost in this place. Gloria's place is huge."

"Gloria's? Isn't it Avery's birthday?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

I shook my head, "Never mind."

"I brought a gift," Camilla said as we entered the tall entrance of Gloria's mansion. "I forgot to tell you to."

"I brought something," I shrugged when I saw her surprise.

She set her gift, a big wrapped box with a ribbon on top, on the large gift table. Two of the long gift tables were already stacked and full of presents for Avery. Some had hearts everywhere, others were so huge I wondered what it could be. I set my gift, a small blood red envelope, next to hers and then followed her.

He would probably never read it but I had to try.

It was too good of an opportunity to miss.

Camilla grinned as she led me inside to the party. It was past the foyer, which had people lingering at the sides and networking, into the lobby. The furniture had been pushed back and rearranged for a party like this while a DJ set was at the far front of the room. People were dancing and laughing, wild as Camilla promised.

Friends came and went as Camilla danced and laughed while I lingered at the back with a drink in my hand. Of course, I didn't take a sip. I needed to be sober to look for the blue bloods.

I needed them to be here for my plan to work.

When it was clear they weren't on the first floor, I realized that they would have to be on the second or maybe even third floor. Before I could make a decision, however, the music dwindled a bit as people's attention turned somewhere else.

Figures descended from a set of stairs and everyone started to quiet down.

The blue bloods.

The party didn't stop exactly as they took over a lounge area that was empty. Again, I had assumed it was off limits but I was just starting to realize that it was but not for them. I also saw that with their presence, it somehow clicked to everyone to pay attention. Something was going to happen, most likely to make a small toast to Avery for his birthday.

This was it.

This was my chance.

Without hesitation, I started making my way through the crowds closer to them. I broke through the line of people into the area where there was no one but a gap to put a distance between the blue bloods and everyone else. I could feel the sudden curiosity rising.

"Who is she?" Someone asked, too drunk to whisper.

"Is she the new girl?"

"That bag is next season's!"

"What's her name?"

I sensed everyone's surprise as I approached the bluebloods with a certain a foreign yet familiar demeanor. They didn't understand. They didn't understand why a stranger like me was approaching cadre one. They didn't understand why I was challenging the blue bloods by stepping into the space reserved for them and only them.

The deep root to everyone's confusion was the way I held myself.

I acted as if I were one of them.

And really, why wouldn't I be? They had no idea who I was, but I heard enough rumors to know that they wanted to. That enough gave me the power to grasp their attention for tonight.

Just as Ella did.

"Vesper!" Camilla hissed in warning but I simply slipped past her as if I didn't hear her.

Helen and Kalina's conversation died as they saw me striding towards them. Mason had been distracted with a girl in his lap but even he noticed me when Gloria nudged him. Blake and Cole backed away, as if sensing a confrontation they would leave to the girls to handle. Strangely, none of them made a move to stop me, even though I was blatantly intruding their exclusive circle.

The only person who was remotely relaxed was my target.

"Avery," I spoke softly, walking until I was right in front of him. "Did you miss me?"

He may have been completely clueless and I would have never known because his only expression was amusement. "Of course..." Avery's gaze flickered to Camilla as he recalled my name. "Vesper."

He was good at this game.

"I'm sorry, but who is she?" Gloria demanded, eyeing me.

"You were just talking about how she was the new girl-" Kalina said innocently, smug delight in her eyes as she played a hand in instigating some more drama. Helen remained silent, her cold gaze trying to scare me.

It was a shame she could scare Ella but not me.

Gloria glared at Kalina but decided to ignore her. Instead, she faced me to cover up the embarrassment. "Well? Not just anyone can come up here like this!"

Avery opened to respond but I couldn't let him ruin it all and expose me so I feigned a shocked surprise that seemed genuine. "Avery hasn't told you?"

"I didn't?" Avery added unhelpfully.

My lips curved to a smile when my words, my birthday gift to him, wiped the amusement from his half smirk and silver eyes.

"I'm his girlfriend."


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