XXXIX. Welcome to Storybrooke

Start from the beginning

"Refresh my memory. How long have you been a teacher here?" Regina questioned.

"Um I -- I'm not sure. As long as I can remember."

"Come with me."


Mary Margaret and Regina are in front of John Doe's room.

"Why are we in the hospital?" Mary Margaret wondered.

"Tell me. Do you know this man?" Regina asked.

"No. Why? Who is he?"

"He's a John Doe, coma patient. No one's claimed him."

"Maybe someday he'll wake up. Maybe someone who loves him will find him."

"That would be nice for him. But I wouldn't count on it."


Regina prepared to eat.

"Good morning, Mayor," Sheriff Graham greeted.

"That uniform suits you nicely, sheriff. So well-fitted," Regina complimented.

"Want me to come over later?"

"Hey! You like apple pancakes, too?" Owen asked.

Regina frowned. "Who are you? Whose child is this?" She turned to Marco. "Is he yours?"

"Mine? No. I was never so lucky," Marco replied.

"He's mine," Kurt said. "And you'll have to excuse him. His manners are a little rough around the edges. I'm, uh, Kurt Flynn. Sorry to interrupt your breakfast, but we're, uh, looking to rent a hotel room for the night."

"Why would you need a hotel room?" Regina questioned.

"The same reason that most people need one. We need a place to sleep."

"Would you excuse me for a moment? Graham."

"I got a room for you," Granny told him.

"Who the hell are those people?"

"Uh, I don't know," Sheriff Graham admitted. "They just showed up. They were camping in the woods near the . I was just as surprised to see them as you are."

"I don't like surprises, sheriff. I find them threatening. And do you know what happens when I feel threatened? Bad things."


Regina was mourning her 's mother's death. Mr. Gold entered the mausoleum.

"Black always was your color," Mr. Gold commented.

"I'm here to bury my mother," Regina told him. "So if you've come to gloat..."

"I came to pay my respects. We had our differences, but Cora will always have a place in my heart."

"You killed her to save your own life."

"Sadly, desperate times call for desperate measures."

"Like getting Mary Margaret to trick me into killing my own mother? You may be able to hide behind your dagger, but she can't. She's going to die for what she did."

"Oh, come on. We both know killing her will cost you the thing you want most - Henry and Aubree. Why don't you just give up this obsession with vengeance? You know it can never make you happy."

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