Chapter 33 | Closure?

Start from the beginning

I hold my hand out and Seb places the bag in my hand.

"This is everything I have linking with this case. I want every answer you can give me, and if you can't give me them, then you're going to help me find them."

Carlisle looks slightly overwhelmed, and opts to welcome us inside as opposed to answering.

I stroll in, making myself at home in what I assume is his living room, and sitting on the floor.

Sebastian is more cautious, looking around before sitting besides me.

"Drinks?" Carlisle offers.

I decline, while Seb accepts a water.

I start laying things out while they get sorted.

As soon as they're both settled, "so this is what we have so far."

I outline what we've managed to piece together.

"I'm afraid I don't know much more than what I've already told you."

"And I'm afraid I'm going to have to call your bullshit here." I narrow my eyes, "you know more than what you're saying.

"And what evidence do you have to back this up."

I smile, pulling out my smoking gun, and sliding it across the table to him.

His eyes widen, picking it up in disbelief, inspecting it closely.

"How-" he stops, clearing his throat, "how do you have this."

"Never mind how I got it, tell me what you know about that photo." I point to it.

"But I really don't think-"

"But I do." I cut him off, my voice steady.

Carlisle places the photo in front of him, taking a deep breathe.


I still reel from her name.

"Thea, your friends sister."

I can tell that this is hard for him, but I need answers.

"Thea, was innocent. She happened to be at a park where we had a drop.

The first one your dad ratted out.

When the police arrived, it was madness.

People running, screaming. Guns firing.

She must've been trampled."

I gnaw on my lip.

At least we know she wasn't involved in any of this.

But why did she lie.

A question I ask Carlisle.

He shrugs, "the police wouldn't have filed her for it as it was clear that she was innocent, so that decision was hers and hers alone."

I'll need to speak to Thea about that.

"Why did they murder my dad."

"Your dad was a trusted member, well, I was a trusted member, so so was he.

However he was never in the inner circle, the red ring.

The way it worked, was that there were trinities, groups that handled different tasks.

Then there as the outer ring, my station.

Then the red ring, comprised of three or four men, no one who wasn't privy to the red ring new their names or saw their faces.

A week prior to the handoff, men started getting jailed from the outer circle, as your dad had given information to the CIA on smaller missions, so they started smelling a rat.

He knew he was near compromised so he pulled himself from the mission, however, he was in debt. He'd done smaller drug handoffs for the circle when they told him too, to avoid raising suspicion, and one night he was doing it when the buyer took the drugs and bailed before paying.

The ring blamed him and said he was now in debt. He was killed the night before the big handoff, which didn't end up happening as the CIA was onto them.

You're his daughter, and since he never paid off those debts it's on you." Carlisle finished.

"Wait. They didn't know my dad was not a part of their group?" I stumble.

"They do. But your dad is dead for that reason. They won't kill you, if you pay off the debt."

"What is the debt?"

"There is no way of knowing." He shrugs

"Well how do I pay it off then, that's hardly fair."

"Of course it's not fair, if it was fair, none of this would be happening.

I sigh, this is a lot more complicated than I ever could've imagined.

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