Ch 18 Prison

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I stare down the husband whose wife I just fucked and he is fuming.

Jacques: "You have some nerve."

Y/N: "I tend to piss off people that deserve it."

Jacques: "Not only do you soil my home with your presence, but you dare have your way with my wife!"

Y/N: "It was honestly the best feeling in the world, the way she reacted to every little thing I did. She even made noises I thought weren't possible of being made."

Jacques: "You little shit."

Y/N: "Oh I'm sorry, I forgot you were unable to please her with your "tool."

Jacques: "I refuse to be insulted any further!"

Y/N: "You have a lot of money and you didn't think to have an operation where it counts."

Jacques: "Enough!" *presses button* "Security!"

Just then five guards burst through the door and surround me.

Jacques: "Arrest this criminal!"

Y/N: "So it seems you know who I am."

Jacques: "Y/N L/N, criminal of Mantle. With that reward money I'll finally be able get that extension that will go over Winter's room."

Y/N: "Why not use that money to grow a few inches?"

Jacques: "Arrest him!"

All five guards charge at me but I teleport in front of Jacques which causes the guards to collide with each other. I grab Jacques by his throat and hoist him into the air.

Jacques: "Release me!"

Y/N: "I can see where Whitley gets entitlement from."

I slam Jacques back first onto his desk and hear something break.

Jacques: "I can't feel my legs!!!"

Y/N: "Oops, I think I just paralyzed you."

Jacques: "You'll pay for this."

Just then a shot is fired and a shock is sent through my body making me drop Jacques and start convulsing on the floor. Another shot is fired this time into my head knocking me out. I awaken to find myself in a dark room and bound to a chair. I look around until I see Ironwood walk into view.

Ironwood: "It's about time I had you."

Y/N: "Easy metalpenis, I don't swing that way."

He shoots me with a voltage round and screams.

Ironwood: "It's Ironwood!"

Y/N: "Like that's any better."

Ironwood: "Joke while you can, because when we get to the torture you'll be wishing I had killed you."

Y/N: "We'll see about that."

Ironwood: "I suppose we will. Raymond!"

Just then a man with brown hair comes to us with a cart of various tools.

Ironwood: "I leave him in your capable hands."

Y/N: "Are you sure you want to leave? You'll miss something shocking."

He smiles and walks off leaving me and this Raymond guy alone in the room.

Ironwood POV

After about two hours I figure I should go check on my prisoner. I head inside the torture room and see Raymond sitting cross legged in front of Y/N.

Y/N: "It sounds like most of your issues stem from not talking with your mother. My advice, call her."

Raymond: "What if she doesn't want to talk?"

Y/N: "From what I heard, it sounds like she wants nothing more than to hear from you."

Ironwood: "What is going on here?!"

Y/N: "Bekfast!"

Raymond: "Y/N has just helped me get to the root of my issues."

Ironwood: "You were supposed to torture him not have a heart to heart!"

Raymond: "I was going to, but he brought up family and pretty soon I was telling him my troubles."

Ironwood: "Get out of here!"


Raymond runs out of the room and Ironwood walks to me while taking off his coat. He cracks his knuckles and punches me in my stomach.

Y/N: "You punch like a baby."

He punches me again.

Y/N: "Seriously, how were you named general?"

He punches me once more.

Y/N: "Can I get a new torturer?"

He continues to punch me over and over again until he just gives up. Later he transport me to a cell and shoves me inside. I lay on the bed and just wait until something happens. Luckily I didn't have to wait long, because I soon hear a female's voice.

Female: "Do you wish to escape?"

Y/N: "Damnit, I thought I had finally gotten rid of you voice."

Female: "I am much more than a voice in your head."

Y/N: "Besides a plot convenience that serves no other point than to move the plot forward?"

Female: "Are you done?"

Y/N: "Yes."

Female: "I am a being who will be able to help you escape."

Y/N: "O great being tell me, how will you break me out of prison?"

Female: "Simply roar in your true voice."

Y/N: "That simple huh?"

I change my voice and let out a roar. Some time later I hear a alarm going off and screaming.

Y/N: "What exactly is happening?"

Female: "Grimm have been called to this area and have started to invade."

Y/N: "Why is that?"

Female: "Because I told them to go and attack when they hear your roar."

Y/N: "So you can control grimm."

Female: "Yes."

Y/N: "Just who are you?"

Salem: "My name is Salem and I am the queen of Grimm."

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