Ch 4 Anger

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I put on my regular clothes and burn my hideous school uniform. I head out to class and the first one is about grimm or something. I see the teacher flirt with Yang and I puke a little which happenes to land in the lap of that Cardin guy.

Cardin: "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

Y/N: "I saw something I shouldn't have."

Cardin: "You'll pay for getting puke on me!"

Y/N: "I refuse."

He cracks his knuckles and goes to punch which I just let him. The hit breaks my nose and I feel blood coming out.

Y/N: "Good hit but try harder."

He goes to punch me again but the teacher catches him.

Teacher: "Cardin, fighting will not be tolerated. Report to Ozpin's office."

Cardin: "But he started it!"

Teacher: "Nice try, but I saw you throw the first punch."

He growls in anger and heads out of the room with me waving bye at him. The rest of the class happens and I see Weiss has an issue with Ruby. After class I follow her outside and I confront her.

Y/N: "What is your problem with Ruby?"

Weiss: "I should have been team leader."

Y/N: "No you shouldn't have."

Weiss: "Excuse me?!"

Y/N: "I said you should not have been named leader."

Weiss: "And why not?"

Y/N: "Because when I look at you, all I see is a girl who has never been told no in her life. She had everything handed to her on a silver platter and never worked for anything she was given."

Weiss: "That's not even remotely true."

I stare at her with a judging look and she rubs her arm nervously.

Weiss: "Well, not entirely true."

Y/N: "You want Ozpin to change his mind, do you think he will do that with you acting like a child and throwing a temper tantrum? Rich people like you want the whole world and get so caught up trying to obtain what you don't have, that you are blind to what you already have. And let me tell you, there are people in this world who aren't fortunate enough to even have a family and they will just about anything to have one. So, forget what you don't have and be thankful for what you do have; because one day it will be gone and when that day comes, you'll be left with nothing and will die alone."

I leave her to think about what I said and head back to my dorm. Late into the night I hear Weiss' and Ruby's voices and Weiss says that she is sorry for how she acted earlier.


The next morning we go to our combat class and I see Jaune fight Cardin. Cardin wins the match and Goodwitch goes on to explain what Jaune did wrong.

Glynda: "We wouldn't want you to be gobbled up by a Beowolf would we?"

Cardin: "Don't speak for everyone."

I growl at his remark and raise my hand.

Glynda: "Yes Mr. L/N?"

Y/N: "I want to fight."

Glynda: "Very well then, who wishes to fight Mr. L/N?"

Y/N: "I wanna fight Cardin."

Glynda: "Cardin, do you accept?"

Cardin: "Yeah, I want to see if he can put up more of a fight."

I teleport into the arena and stand in front of Cardin.

Glynda: " Mr. L/N, where is your weapon?"

Y/N: "I won't need it."

Cardin: "Your funeral."

The fight begins with Cardin charging at me and swinging his mace at me. I don't dodge and just let him tire himself out.

Y/N: "This is supposed to be a fight not a tickle match."

Cardin: "Don't mock me!"

He swings his mace and hits my jaw breaking it. I stare at him and forcibly reset my jaw.

Y/N: "Nice hit, but you hit like a bitch."

Glynda: "Language!"

Y/N: "Sorry Cap."

I turn back to Cardin and his mace hits my shirt. I jump back and feel that something is wrong. I feel my chest and see my locket is gone.

Y/N: "Oh no! Where'd it go?!"

Cardin: "Looking for this?"

I look at him and see my locket in his hand.

Y/N: "Give it back!"

He opens it and his face shows disgust.

Cardin: "Damn, who is this ugly broad? Don't tell me she is your mother. If she is then I feel bad for the poor guy who tapped that."

I clench my fists in anger and my aura starts spiking. Black lightning erupts around me and the arena floor shatters. The shockwave rocks the entire school and I hear the other students groan from the force of the blast. I run at Cardin and in less than a second I am in front of him. I bring my fist back and slam it into his chest; the force shatters his chest armor and blows a hole in his back armor. I raise my foot and break his knee inwards; he falls on his back and I just punch him over and over again. It gets to the point his eyes are black and blue, blood is coming from various places and the ground under Cardin is caved in.

I raise my right fist back but I am contained in a purple bubble; I get annoyed and shatter the bubble with a punch. I reach Cardin but again I am restrained, this time however Ozpin himself is holding me back while other teachers and a nurse stand in front of Cardin.

Ozpin: "Y/N, I need you to calm down!"

Y/N: "No! He needs to pay!"

Ozpin: "Ms. Valkyrie!"

I hear hurried footsteps and the moment I break free from Ozpin's grasp I feel something metal hit my head and the world goes black.

Ruby POV

I see Nora knock out Y/N with her hammer and the chaos finally stops. I look around and everyone has a look of horror on their face. I look at the damage Y/N caused and can't help but fear what they are going to do to him.

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