Ch 15 Camp

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Y/N: "My name is Y/N and I helped Neo bust you out of here."

Roman: "Then I owe you one, Roman Torchwick at your service."

Neo: *pulls out sign* "What now?"

Y/N: "To get you guys away from here."

I tap their shoulders and the disappear to where Cinder and them are at. With them safe I teleport out of the airship and land inside the center of Vale. I start to walk away when I hear a gun shot and a bullet passes through me. I look where it came from and see General Ironwood.

Ironwood: "It's been a while since we met."

Y/N: "Now is not the time to fight each other Ironwood. There are people that need help."

Ironwood: "The beast speaks. You are still wanted for murder."

Y/N: "That was thirty two years ago."

Ironwood: "All the more reason for you to be stopped."

Y/N: "I don't have time for this."

I turn around to leave when I feel a bullet hit me and lightning course through my body bringing me to the ground.

Ironwood: "You may be impervious to damage, but not even you can withstand a high voltage round capable of stunning a Goliath."

Ironwood walks to and aims his gun at my face while cocking back the hammer. The pain from the zap makes me revert to my human form exposing my identity.

???: "NO!"

I look to my right and see everyone ranging from Ozpin to Jaune walking to me.

Ozpin: "Ironwood, what are you doing?!"

Ironwood: "Putting a stop to a murder."

Ozpin: *angry* "You will not touch one of my students."

Ironwood: "Ozpin wake up! Thirty two years ago this man murdered people in Mantle and has been a wanted man ever since."

Y/N: "I only killed because they killed my mother!"

He fires another bullet.

Ruby: "Y/NNN!"

Glynda: "That's enough James!"

Ironwood: "He also set Roman Torchwick free."

Y/N: "I freed him because knowing you, you would've killed him instead of imprisoning him."

Ironwood: "Be quite!"

He shots me once more.

I see Ozpin swing his cane into Ironwood's leg and knock him to the ground. Students aim their guns at Ironwood and keep him from getting up.

Ozpin: *furious* "I don't know what your history with him is, but I refuse for you to lay another hand on him."

Ironwood: "Why can't you see he is a threat to us?!"

I get to my feet and show everyone the real me. They all go wide eyed and Velvet is the first to speak.

Velvet: "It was you who saved us?"

Y/N: "Yes."

I emit a thick cloud of gray mist then teleport myself away from everyone and land inside the Emerald Forest. I return to my human appearance and start to pass out from the voltage I went through. Before I pass out I see a raven in front of me just watching me. I go to reach for it but when I get within reach I finally pass out.

Ozpin POV

The cloud finally disappears and Y/N is nowhere to be found. I look back at Ironwood and see he escaped while we were stunned by the mist.

Ruby: "What are we going to do now Professor Ozpin?"

Ozpin: "For now, we will all get to safety and when everything calms down we will see."

They all nod and we all board a evacuation airship. I watch as my school gets smaller and smaller and think to myself.

Ozpin: (thoughts) "Who was behind this attack and what were they after?"


I finally regain consciousness and find myself in a large tent. I sit up and head out of the tent where I see everyone looking at me. A woman in red and black armor walks to me and she has a grimm mask on completely covering her face.

Y/N: "Where am I?"

Woman: "You are in my camp."

Y/N: "And why am I here?"

Woman: "Because you interest me."

Y/N: "How did I end up here?"

Woman: "I brought you here."

Y/N: "Then I'm leaving."

I go to leave when a group of men cut me off and that woman draws her blade.

Woman: "You will stay or you will die."

Y/N: "Kind of hard to die."

She rushes at me and impales her blade through my chest. I grab her wrist and lift her in the air. She goes to punch me, but I block it and punt her away. I grab her sword and pull it out of me; I then look at her and snap her blade like a twig.

Woman POV

I look at the man and he withdraws my blade from his chest. He then snaps it in half and I can feel my body shaking. He starts walking to me but activate my spring maiden powers and launch icicles at him. He just lets them impale him and continues his way to me. I switch elements and hurl fireballs at him. One hits him directly in the face and his face starts to melt. He simply rips his own face off and a new one appears in its place. I try not to puke at what just happened and incase his body in earth; I then make the earth crush him with blood going everywhere.

Woman: "Good riddance."

Y/N: "Like I said before it's hard to die."

The rock around him explodes and his injuries heal themselves. He cracks his neck and disappears; I look around when I feel a hand around my throat.


I grab the woman's throat and choke slam her onto the ground. The impact shatters the ground under her and she is left gasping for air.

Y/N: "It's over."

I let her go and start walking away when I hear her voice again.

Woman: "Wait."

I turn around and she has taken off her mask revealing her to have red eyes and baring a striking resemblance to Yang.

Y/N: "Who are you?"

Raven: "Raven Branwen."

A Queen's LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz