The Music Box - SNO Bryrio

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Bryan's POV

I just came back from treasure hunting and I found some really cool things! I wanted to show Alpha what I got, also, I wanted to thank him, for everything!

I hadn't realised until recently how much Alpha really does for us. While I was treasure hunting with Marcus, he told me how grateful he was to Jackson for sticking with him and the other vampires despite how hard it must be for him. So, yeah... That's where I started really thinking into how much Alpha had done for the pack. 

I planned on thanking him with two things. Me and the pack made a HUGE card telling him thanks and each member placing an individual thing the alpha did for us. 

The second thing was, I planned to fix and clean something I had found. A music box! I've been invading his bed for awhile now. He must've thought that it was inconvenient. 

I enter pack haven's gate and see Alpha. He looks busy with Xylo. Xylo looks at me with pleading eyes.

"Oh. Xylo's trying really hard to keep it a secret. I can try to help him, I guess..." I go towards them and I speak.

Bryan: Hey Alpha! Xylooo! I've been looking all over for you! The others are waiting for you!

Xylo: Oh uh- Yeah! yeah... Well, just in time, Alpha was looking for you Bryan! I should go now! Byee!

Xylo leaves as he says that, at an attempt to survive I start to slowly walk away.

Bryan: Heh... yeah... I-I should go now t-

Without being able to finish my sentence, I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. 

Bryan: A-Alpha?! Are you alright?!

Mario: Whe -hic- re were you...? I've been looking... for you...

Bryan: H-huh? Alpha... Are you... drunk?

Mario: ... Maybe... -hic- 

Bryan: Wha- What happened?

Mario: I -hic- went to Mythspire and for -hic- some... dumb reason... they were drinking for christmas spirit... or something... Where were you??

Mario says as he places his head on Bryan's shoulder, his arms still wrapped around Bryan's waist.

Bryan: I-I was out treasure hunting, like always!

Mario: ... Are you -hic- hiding something from me?

"I'm surprised he's still able to say something in a tone like that... Well, that's the alpha for you." Bryan thought to himself. Although, his train of thought got disrupted after the alpha pulled him into his house.

Bryan: Alpha?! What's wrong?!

Mario: I'm tired... I want to go to sleep...

Bryan: Where exactly do I fit in all this?!

Mario: You sleep with me -hic- don't you...?

By the time he stops talking, they're already beside the bed. Bryan thinks about his second "gift", he hesitates but ends up saying it. He looks at the werewolf that is sitting on the bed and speaks.

Bryan: About that...

Mario: ... Is something -hic- wrong? 

Bryan stays silent for a little bit and says.

Bryan: No... nevermind...

Mario notices the doubtful and sad face on the pup's face and says

Mario: Pup, you can tell me you know... I'm -hic- right here for you...

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