"Rainy day." ¬ FTO Bryrio

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Timeline: Children.

[1] It will not be revealed why, but ' Leaf ' is Mario, ' Flame ' is Bryan.

[2] They will be children in this one-shot. The event takes place years before the main storyline. No, neither of them remember this moment later on.

[3] This one-shot is very platonic, hints of crushes here and there, but this is intended to be seen platonically, as they are children.


Through the rainy market's streets, there passed by a small boy, both his clothes and smile were warm.

" Mister, two of those! " Exclaimed the little, fiery boy, whose head barely reached above the counter. " For me, and my friend! "

" Small child, where is your friend? " Replied the seller.

" He doesn't know I'm here yet, but I'm sure he'll appreciate one of your incredible sandwiches! So it's a secret, shh! " The petite boy, who seemed to be in a bit of a rush, put out his hand, a golden coin shining.

The seller's eyes lit up. " What a pretty coin! Of course, I'll get you two right away! "

The moment the seller's back was turned, and without a moment's notice, the coin was snatched.

" Wha-... " The small boy quickly dropped his umbrella and ran after the robber. " Hey-! "

" Here you go, tw- huh? " The seller turned again, only to see the little boy gone.

" Sir. " A voice called out from the side.

" Oh- y-yes? " Poor man, turning his head so much, he'll have neck pain at this point.

Before him stood another boy, clearly not dressed for the rainy weather; soaked in the rainwater, holding the previous boy's umbrella, it now being closed.

" My friend seemed to have an issue, was it a golden coin? Here. " He slid the coin across.

" Oh right. Here- " He placed the bag with food on the counter and took the coin, when he turned again however, the other boy was also gone. " Are these two playing hide and seek or something..? " The seller then went back to minding his own business.

- Crunch -

At an empty pathway, both the thief and the boy, flames flickering in his hands, ran; one behind the other respectively.

" It's not working. " Perhaps it was due to the rain, but the boy's flames wouldn't light up. " Hh... " As trained as he was, keeping up with an older person, even if not much older, was already tiring enough as is. Eventually, he slipped on the water.

" Augh-! No! " He thought that he'd have lost the thief from having fallen down, and just ended up sitting there, glancing around. " I don't know this part of town... " He looked down at the floor.

" Woah... " What he first thought were fallen leaves, were actually drawings. His eyes followed the leaf doodles, which led to the forest. " Huh... "

" Was a golden coin worth all this trouble? " A voice was heard from behind.

The brown-haired boy quickly turned his head. " ... Leaf! " He exclaimed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2022 ⏰

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