Repressed (JinYoon) [M]

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*Mature rated

repressed (adjective)

- "(of a thought, feeling, or desire) kept suppressed and unconscious in one's mind"

suppress (verb)

- "forcibly put an end to"

Winner... each member is repressing a thought or a feeling because all of them is protecting something, something valuable, something they can't trade for anything. But, there will always be temptations especially when there is desire. And maybe that something can be up for trade after all, although will always be valuable.


Mino... No...

Please... Ugh..."



Six - no, seven years, that's how long they've been together as a group. Those are seven springs, seven summers, seven falls, and seven winters. Those are countless struggles, little successes, big successes, little fights, big fights, etc. To put it simply, those are years where Winner members form their brotherhood. Inside it, there's love, respect, and trust.

Mino knows how much Seungyoon trusts him and it isn't once or twice had he wonders why. Why does their leader trust him so much? Why is it okay for him that he lives with the love of his life? Why is it okay for him that he's just a wall away him every night? Why does Seungyoon trust him with Jinwoo, with his beautiful boyfriend whose eyes hold all the stars in the sky?

'Mino, hyung's not feeling well. Can you check on him once in a while for me? Thanks. I owe you.'

Mino blinked at his phone. The why's are still floating around his mind. He's been staring at Seungyoon's text for half an hour. He's supposed to be at Osechill. He's not supposed to be a caregiver for someone else's boyfriend... That's all just as he's not supposed to be... "Stop."

His thoughts were stopped. His phone rang. "Yeah?"

"Are you awake? Did you check on Jinwoo hyung already? He said he was feeling feverish."

Mino froze. Why is it okay for him that he's just a wall away him... His phone vibrated, no, it was his trembling hands.

"Mino, are you still there? Yah, did you fall asleep on me?"

He said he was feeling feverish... He should've gone. Why did he waste his time staring at a text?


"La...ter." He managed to get out through his quivering lips. In sheer panic, he turned off his phone.


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