Coffee with Stranger

Start from the beginning

"Sorry Isha, the boss had called me for some urgent work. He wants the list of the clients whose payments were overdue. So I was fetching that from the system." She explained. "It's fine Payal.

Now listen why I have called you here. Let's make a perfect plan for the evening meeting. You must not come close to me; otherwise, that stranger will not approach me."

"I have a better idea Isha. We should reach the venue much before the time so that we have enough time to explore the place."

"You have to be there at seven o'clock, right?

"Yes," I replied.

"We will reach there by six-thirty at the max. So we have around half an hour to explore the cafe and make a plan. What say?"

"You give me a missed call, as soon as you know that it's him. I will call the police as soon as you confirm his identity. I will not let him go this time."

"Ok, sounds good to me. So we will reach there half an hour earlier. That's final." I confirmed with her.

"Done, now let's go back to work madam."

We both went back to our seats and engrossed in our work. After some time, I thought about checking on Siddharth. I messaged him.

Me: "Hi, how are you? What are you doing?"

There was no response from him even after about ten minutes. He must be busy with his work. I was counselling myself.

I checked my phone again after fifteen minutes, but still, there was no response from him. It was about 12:30 pm, and that's my lunch break.

I again checked my messages but there was no response from him. That was for the first time that I didn't receive any response from him for so long time so I was a bit nervous.

I was about to go to the pantry for lunch, my phone rang. It was Siddharth. I looked around me and found no corner where I could go and talk to him.

The phone was ringing for about ten seconds; it might go unanswered if I would not pick it in another five seconds. My eyes stopped at the restroom.

I could not find any better place than the restroom and I had only five seconds left. So I rushed to the restroom like P.T. Usha as if I have to cross the red ribbon in the next five seconds.

"Hello, Siddharth, where were you?" I was scolding on him while closing the door of the restroom.

"I was in a meeting and my phone was in a silent mode. So I couldn't respond that time so I thought to give you a call," he replied.

"Ok, that's fine. Now listen to me, we are going to the cafe half an hour earlier to check the place. It would be fine if you come at six o'clock." I told him.

"Ok, fine give me a call in case you need any help," he said. "By the way, send me the address of the cafe where you are going."

"The place is Starbucks, Andheri. It's not much far away from our office.

"It won't take much time to reach there. I will text you the address and the location of the cafe."

It was around five o'clock and I called up Payal once again to wind up her desk by six. I was also compiling papers and files on my desk so that it would be easy for me to get up and move out by six o'clock.

We both have checked out from the office at the same time and went down to the office building. I was standing at the exit gate waiting for Payal to drive her car from the basement parking.

We both went to the venue well before time. We have an ample amount of time to check the surrounding of the cafe.

I was standing outside the cafe scanning all the roads that leads to me. Contemplating the route from which that stranger might come.

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