As soon as I reached the second floor, I saw a couple coming out of life and walking towards the movie theatre. The man's face looks familiar to me. It looked like the boss's face. Na, he cannot be here at this time. I just had a meeting with him before half an hour. I must be overthinking about him so I felt that the guy was him.

I ignored the couple for a moment and walked toward the McDonald's restaurant where my client was waiting for me. I crossed that couple from an around four-meter distance and went towards the opposite direction. The guy turned his face over his shoulder and looked at me with his curious eyes. Something was running in my mind at that time so I also looked back at the guy.

Before our eyes met, he turned around and walked inside the theatre. This time I was sure that the guy was none other than my boss.

How come He was here? He was in the office before some time. Who that lady was with him? She didn't seem to be his wife. My curiosity was at the peak at that time and I wanted to confirm his identity.

"Hi Vivan, this side" my client called me from the distance. I wanted to go behind them to the movie theatre but on the other side, my client wanted me in front of him. I had to choose in a very few seconds between my client and that mystery couple.

In such situations, the human mind tends to incline towards the obvious one.

So as mine and I decided to walk towards my client.

"Hello Mr. Malhotra, how are you? Sorry to bother you at this time and place but it was a bit urgent so." I said to him while handing over the paper role.

"Never mind Vivan, I can understand." He unfolds the paper role and replied to me.

He was reading the agreement carefully and I was like waiting for him to sign it fast so that I could identify that couple who just went inside the movie theatre.

"Everything was written as per our discussion only" I assured him that the agreement was drafted as per our discussion only.

Thus wanted him to sign the same without wasting time on checking it again. So that the saved minutes can be invested in finding that couple before it's too late.

"Ya, I trust you but still wanted to reconfirm." He replied as he signed the agreement and handed over it to me.

I snatched the agreement from his hands and rush towards the theatre. I took the ticket and enter the theatre. I was late as the movie had already started and so the theatre was completely dark. How can I find them in this dark room? They might have settled down, I am late. Shit, I missed them. I talked to myself.

I decided to wait outside the theatre hall and catch them as soon as they come out of the movie show. I was waiting there for about two hours until the show finished. People have started coming out of the theatre. I was standing in front of the door scanning every guy coming out of the hall.

Gradually the flow of the people coming out had started decreasing but still, I couldn't find the one I was looking for. It was him only. I am sure. I was consoling myself as I had wasted more than two hours. I lost the hope of catching him red-handed and decided to come back to the office.

Isha: "it might be your misunderstanding; you had seen someone else. The boss was on your mind so you thought that the person you see was the boss with some lady."

Vivan: "No yaar, I am damn sure that it was a boss only. It isn't completed, listen further."

"Till now I had no clue where the boss is going or what he was doing in the office for the full day. But since I had a doubt I started tracking his activities. And you won't believe me, I was right. One day I was passing through his cabin while I heard his conversation on the phone.

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