Memento Mori - Ariana and Dark

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This little fan-art piece was made in homage to the now dead channel, Unus Annus.

It's entire premise was that it would only last one year (Unus - One, Annus - Year). Death is inevitable, it comes for all of us. If you had one more year left to live...what would you do?


Okay now, the angst is over. I loved working on this piece. Ariana and Dark are being the Unus and Annus characters. For obvious reasons, Ariana is Unus, seeing as his suit was black and Dark's color palette involves black and greys.

Instead of using suits, I started looking up designs for dresses. For Ariana, I looked up short gothic dresses, seeing as she isn't a serious character. For Dark, I wanted her to have a sense of elegance.

From then on, it's just painting. I used floral designs for the dresses, though Dark's is hard to notice. The suits Unus and Annus used at the end of their livestream had floral patterns and I loved how they turned out.

I plan on using these designs in the future, in a Grim Reaper AU possibly. I plan to add Star and Ruby to this roster as well.

In this AU, Grim Reapers are responsible for arriving at the scene where a Mobian has died. They bring out their spirit and they stay with them, talking to them and advising them before either an Angel descends to take them to Heaven or a Demon ascends to drag them to Hell.

There are two types of Grim Reapers. Those who contact an Angel to come and those who contact a Demon to come. The Grim Reapers usually come in duos and they judge the dead Mobian. Then the decision is taken.

Angels and Demons can directly instruct the Reapers to take away a Mobian's life early, so they're not necessarily waiting for someone to die.

The Reaper's uniforms are swapped, Angelic Reapers wear dark colors while Demonic Reapers wear lighter colors. It's to give false hope to evil Mobians and a fun little scare to good Mobians.

Grim Reaper Ariana is quite giddy and a bit over-dramatic, speaking about death in an almost poetic way, always laughing and reassuring the Mobian she's waiting to be taken to Heaven. Her monologues scare the Mobian more than her attire.

Grim Reaper Dark is graceful in everything she does, always telling the Mobian that all their choices have a consequence. It's when the Mobian notices the Demon approaching that they begin to panic, Dark becoming more aggressive, pushing them towards the demon.


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((Obviously this was meant to be uploaded on November 13th / November 14th when the channel died but my PHONE HAD OTHER PLANS-))

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