Victoria the Shadow

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"You betrayed your own kind! You don't belong here anymore!"

Victoria is a shadow that has taken the body of a wolf, exactly how Dark took over the body of a hedgehog.

However, they are different.

Dark is 80% shadow and 20% mobian.
Victoria is 80% mobian and 20% shadow.

After the accidental merging, Dark became an essential key on taking over the surface.

The shadows despise living in their world but in their mere shadowy forms, they're easy to take down without a proper host.

All shadows, including Victoria, looked up to Dark, as even when she was defeated she'd always go back to the surface, trying to defeat the team.

Victoria being way younger than Dark, as Dark was one of the first shadows, aspired to be like her.

However, she felt anger and betrayal when Dark turned to the good side. Abandoning the freedom of all shadows.

Enraged by this, Victoria tried the same methods Dark did to become another key but she'd cursed herself into becoming more Mobian.

Her shadow abilities decreased into only being able to travel between the surface and the shadow world and minor telekinesis and telepathy with a few individuals at a time.

A failed experiment, yes, but the newfound wolf didn't stop there. She'd spent her days learning about Mobian's lifestyles and cultures. They were weak creatures. Most of them were born powerless.

Her only enemies would be Team Sonic.

Victoria had her own little team, killing Mobians and offering their bodies to the shadows to take over.

The wolf uses guns to fight and the body she'd taken over had super strength, allowing Victoria to punch and kick through walls easily, bend metals as of they were nothing, and cause major destruction overall.

She's intelligent, her team taking care of simple missions and she does show up to fight alongside them when everything gets tough.

She'll only lose her temper when Dark irritates her, breaking out in psychotic screams.


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Let me know what you think! Never be afraid to comment!

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