Chapter 32: Luka

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"Luka." I hear Wren say my name, her voice gentle as she tries to rouse me. I squeeze my eyes tighter, that adorable giggle of hers filling my ears, and I cover my head with the pillow.

"I'm not ready to get up yet," I mutter, breathing in the scent of her sheets. They smell like vanilla, everything in her apartment does. It's a lot better than the generic washing soap smell my bed has.

"I thought that you were supposed to be the morning person."

I lift the pillow off my face and roll onto my back, the sunlight hitting my eyes. She's right, normally I am a morning person, but something about sleeping with her is different. I no longer spend the night tossing and turning, waiting for the morning to come so I can throw myself back into work. With Wren, I don't mind if the nights go slowly, and I want to relish every moment in bed with her.

"Fine. I'm up." I look over to her, that dark hair framing her face, and I'm still amazed at how much she manages to take my breath away. She always looks beautiful, but right now as she sits next to me, her eyes still sleepy and hair all dishevelled, she looks even better. She looks so real. She looks like mine.

"What are your plans today?" she asks me and I shrug. "Have you spoken to Kit since the incident?"

"No. He was still asleep when I left for work yesterday, and then I came straight here."

"You're going to have to talk to him sometime. You can't avoid him forever. You do live in the same house."

"I know. I'll do it today."

Truthfully, I was relieved when I got home on Friday to discover that Kit was sleeping. I still have no idea what I'm supposed to say to him, or how I'm supposed to act. Before Thursday night, it was easier to accept his promises of change and thinking maybe one day he'll finally do it. After finding him in that crack house though, lying half dead on the floor, it's now impossible to ignore. He's an addict and he needs to get help. I just don't know how to make him see it. I feel Wren shift under the covers, swinging her legs to the side and I grab her by the waist, pulling her back to me.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"I was going to get dressed, but I'm sensing you have something else in mind." Her voice is husky and I feel her pulse quicker as I press my lips to her neck.

"I do, actually." She turns her body towards me, her mouth eagerly trying to find mine.

We spend a few more minutes in the bed, kissing and touching each other until we're both breathless. Eventually she pushes me off, saying she has to use the bathroom and leaves me lying in her bed, my downstairs painfully hard as I watch her walk away. I gather my clothes and tug them on, checking my phone. There's no messages or calls from Sam, which I hope is a good thing and tuck it into my pocket. I make my way into Wren's kitchen and put the kettle on, searching through her cupboards for the coffee.

"Just what do you think you're doing?" she asks, and I jump at the sound of her voice, hitting my head on the shelf above me. I'm worry that maybe I've annoyed her by going through her stuff, but when I look her arms crossed over her chest, an amused expression on her face.

I rub my head.  "I was searching for the coffee."

"It's not in there." She walks over and opens a small shelf behind the kettle and takes a jar of coffee out. "Here."

"Why do you keep it hidden away?"

"I don't drink coffee."

I nearly drop the jar in my hand, shocked by her comment. "You don't drink coffee? Why the hell not?"

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