Chapter 21: Wren

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I had no energy for today, and in a very uncharacteristic move of me, called in sick to work. I wasn't sure what to tell Nate about the Gabe situation, so I told him I fell on the sidewalk and couldn't come in as I was going to see the doctor. I know that I'll have to tell him the truth eventually, but right now, I just want to forget. I take another pain pill and lie back on the couch, staring up at the ceiling. I was right about my wrist being sprained. It's not too bad, but it's sore and is going to make work a lot harder. The doctor from this morning told me I have to keep it bandaged for a couple of days and continue to ice it on and off. On the plus side, he prescribed me some very strong pain medication that's taken the edge off.

I've spent most of the day drifting in and out of sleep, my mind clouded with thoughts of the past few weeks. I start to think about Luka and immediately, my stomach fills with butterflies, the memory of our almost kiss burnt into my mind. Everything is so messed up. Before I met him, I thought I had my life sorted out, but he's forced his way in and turned everything upside down I don't know what to do anymore. I shove a pillow over my face and try to ignore the feelings. I'm finally drifting off to sleep when a loud knock at my door jerks me awake. I walk over to the door, hesitating on the handle. I'm still a little shaken after what happened with Gabe.

"Who is it?" I say.

"Just me love." I unlock the latch and open the door to find Mary standing behind it. "Were you asleep already?" she asks, taking note of my crumpled clothes and messy hair.

"I hurt my wrist, and the pills that the doctor prescribed make me a little drowsy."'

"Sound like some strong pills."

A yawn escapes my mouth. "They are. What time is it?"

"It's only seven. You hurt your wrist? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. It's a long story." I notice finally that for the first time in months Mary isn't dressed in her usual dressing gown and pyjamas. "Are you going somewhere?" I say curiously, looking her up and down again. She's wearing a black dress that falls just below her knees, black heels and a long tan coat that has a faux fur hood. She looks nice.

"I'm meeting a gentleman caller. That's why I knocked, I wanted to show myself off." She lifts her arms and does a twirl. I love her dressing gown, but this new look really suits her.

"You look beautiful. I'm sure whoever he is that he'll love it." I think about Luka again, and my heart drops when I remember I haven't heard from him all day. I wasn't surprised he was gone when I woke up this morning, but I couldn't help the part of me that wished he had stayed. I've been acting so up and down with him the last week I wouldn't blame him if he's had enough of me.

"Something on you mind?" Mary says, breaking my thoughts.

I force a smile and shake my head. "No, nothing. Have fun tonight."

"You too. Rest up." I'm closing my door when I hear her voice come from the other side. "Who might you be?" Mary asks the person.

I open the door slightly and see Luka standing there. He's breathless, almost like he's been running, his hair messy and unkempt. He's wearing black jeans and a black hoodie, and he looks so effortlessly beautiful it hurts a little to look at him.

"Luka," he says to Mary before turning to me. "Can I come in? Are you alone?" His eyes keep darting into my apartment and I take a step back, gesturing for him to come inside. I feel Mary watching me as he enters, but I don't look at her. I know that if I do she will see the desire written all over my face. I close the door behind me and when I turn around, Luka is standing in front of me. His eyes are focused on me, an intense expression on his face. He opens his mouth to speak but then closes it again, his fingers flexing.

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