Chapter 6: Luka

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I don't know how I let myself keep falling for Kit's bullshit, but here I am, again. I'm leaning against the wall of the bar Kit begged me and Sam to go to, holding a glass of water in my hand and internally kicking myself for agreeing to this. It's hot, crowded and I'm in no mood to babysit Kit, so the last place I want to be is at some bar with a bunch of drunk idiots. The fact that my ute is parked on the street outside gives me some sense of comfort though, and I just keep telling myself that I can bail anytime things start to get messy. Sam, to my surprise, has been chatting to a cute brunette girl for quite a while, his hands gripped tightly around a bottle.

No surprise that Kit is trashed. He's been trying to hustle people into playing against him in pool, spending most of his time hanging around the crowded tables at the back. His cocky demeanour has pissed most of them off into saying yes, just so they can have a chance at beating the smile off his face. What they don't know is they're all being played for a fool. Drunk or not, Kit is one of the best pool players I've ever met, and it only takes him a few shots before he's won the game, doing some stupid victory dance in his opponent's face. I've noticed that he's also been persuading Sam into buying his drinks since we arrived, and I suspect that his money situation is a lot worse than we know.

I'm in such a bad mood also because the moment we got to the bar Kit sprung the news on us that he invited some of his new acquaintances along to join. They're exactly the kind of people I want to avoid getting to know, and I'm not surprised other people go out of their way to avoid them too. These so called friends consist of a group of rough looking dudes who have spent most of the night chain smoking and eye fucking every girl in the room. A few people shoot me looks as well when they walk past, probably wondering what the hell some guy is doing standing alone at a bar.

It's annoying, but I don't feel like joining the others right now and ignore their glares. There's a live band playing tonight, which is part of the reason I've stuck around. I haven't seen a live band in ages, or if I did, I was too drunk to remember, and it might be good to listen to live music sober for a change. I'm watching the band set up when Kit appears in my face, scratching his shaved head and giving me that look. I know what it means, and I wonder what took him this long to ask.

"I'm not lending you any money Kit," I tell him, deadpan.

"Just spot me a twenty Luka. I am so close to getting it back from these guys," he begs. He's bouncing up and down on the spot, as if the nervous energy inside him stops him from standing still even for a second. I look over at the "guys" that he's referring to, and it's the ones that he invited along. Their beady eyes are watching us, almost like their waiting to see how I'll react. I look at Kit's face, his eyes pleading with me. I don't want to enable him anymore, but from the look he's giving me, I know if he goes over there empty handed, it won't end well. "Please Luka?" I sigh and pull some money out of my back pocket, slapping it into his open palm.

"Thank you, thank you." He closes his hand and turns to walk away.

I grab his arm and pull him towards me, speaking directly into his face. "Be careful."

He gives me a strange look before turning it into a grin. "It's cool dude. I got this."

For the next ten minutes, I can't help but keep checking on Kit though the corner of my eye. I don't know what kind of shit he's trying to pull, but he's an adult, and I can't spend the rest of the night watching him. I let my eyes roam across the crowd and that's when I catch a glimpse of her. The girl that I met at the bar before. Even though it's extremely crowded tonight, she's easy to spot. She's the only person in the bar wearing a beanie, and it has a bright orange pom-pom sticking off the top. Not to mention that I find her extremely sexy, and I could've sought her out with or without the hat. She's wearing tight black jeans and a red long sleeve top that keeps slipping off her shoulder, exposing the skin underneath.

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