Chapter 26

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"Move replacement... Where the hell is demon spawn?" Jason's concerned yet annoyed voice rung throughout the cave, it was like anybody who crossed his path would die from his glare right now. "Calm down jay-bird, he's in medbay resting." Dick reassured, putting his hand on Jason's shoulder. 

Jason shrugged off his hand as he ran towards medbay. "Idiot... You fucking idiot." He muttered when he slammed open the door. After the whole fiasco at the park, Damian was ganged up on. Usually it was no big deal. He is a living weapon, he would usually win. This time it was 15 against 1 sick bird. Yup, Damian was hiding a small fever from everyone, knowing they'd overreact and put him off patrol.

He had tried his best to pull through but he doesn't have the same anticipation as Cassandra so he didn't realize 4 bullets were sneaking up behind him. He was just about to collapse when Stephanie found him and blocked the bullets with her bo staff. Unfortunately she was shot once on her caff.

They both were in medbay when Jason came pounding in. Stephanie was sitting on the edge of a bed while Alfred was wrapping her caff with a bandage. Damian was asleep on the bed, after trying to scramble out of dicks grip, they finally got him to get tired. Jason stood in frustration, he might not show it but underneath his bad boy shell, he had a soft spot for his family. Especially demon spawn. After all he did take care of him for a bit as a baby. Of course he'd never show it or tell another soul.

"Wow, no, 'thank you so much stephanie' or 'thanks for taking a bullet for him!'. Maybe at least a 'hey Stephanie'?" The blonde said bitterly as she mocked Jason's voice. He rolled his eyes as Alfred chuckled. "Is that too much to ask for in this family?" Jason eyed Stephanie's glitter bomb stash. 

"Hey, eyes up here. Unless you want glitter in your nightmares." She growled as she covered up her stash with her cape. Alfred knew that there was no hope in stopping their bickering so once he was done wrapping her wound he got up and left.

"I'll pay you 10 for a red one." 


"That's a scam!"

"25 for two..." 

"Deal." He pulled out 1 ten and 15 one dollar bills his leather jacket and handed it to Stephanie. She Cooly counted each bill. "Your off by 3." She smirked as she waved the counted bills in her hand. She knew he had given her the exact amount, but not everybody has a billionaire as a father.

Jason rolled his eyes and carelessly handed a 5 dollar bill, "expect it to arrive in the morning." She snickered.

"Bitch, that long?" 

"Bitch, be happy you get it." She hopped off the bed and walked with a limp towards the kitchen. Jason flipped her off as her back was turned. He quickly tensed as Damian slowly stirred. When his stirrings stopped he softly made his way to the side of Damian's bed.  "Asshole, I know your awake..." After a pause and no response from Damian, Jason continued. "Either your a good fucking actor or your actually out cold.."

He took a deep breath, then looked around to make sure nobody was around. "Why can't you just ask for help when you need it!" He whispered loudly. Jason put his back to the bed and dropped to the floor. "You... You had me worried."

"For fucks sake why am I trying... J-just stop... Stop putting yourself in danger to prove a point. I need you to be safe, I want  you to be safe." He put his head down. "What kind of big brother am I... If I can't protect you." 

He froze, it dawned on him what he was saying. Did he really just vent to Damian's unconscious body? How pathetic. Jason thought as he got up from the floor. He walked towards the door but snuck a glance at Damian's monitor to make sure he was ok. Pathetic. He thought.


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