Chapter 5

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Batman started from oldest to youngest. " this is my cousin, bat woman aka Kate Kane." Batwoman  stood up from her seat and started scooting across the seats, trying to get to the door. "Move, I'm gay." 

"Get me coffee while your at it!" The teen from eariler shouted before she fully left. 

Night wing stood up from his seat as batman introduced him, "this is night wing, aka dick Grayson. My eldest ward." Dick seemed to be the happy child of them all so far, he gave the avengers a soft smile and waved. He took off his domino mask to reveal the most bluest eyes they had ever seen. It was almost overwhelming.

"Batgirl, aka Barbara Gordon, family friend." Batman pointed towards the red head that tagged along with them eariler. 

A person who was at least 20 years old wore a red helmet stepped out of the shadows fully. it reminded Clint of Tony's helmet. He completed the look with a leather jacket, a skin tight suit with a red bird logo, cargo pants and combat boots. "Red hood aka Jason Todd, my second oldest ward." He took off his red helmet to reveal a black domino mask and Raven hair with a white streak. Batman glared at him causing him to huff and take off his mask. He had dull green eyes. (I've only ever seen his eyes dull, so sorry if they aren't)

"The signal, aka duke Thomas, my third ward." Batman pointed to the yellow and black suit. When duke too off his helmet, the avengers were expecting to see a Caucasian Raven headed boy too, but instead he was African American. 

"Black bat, aka Cassandra Cain. My adoptive daughter" He pointed to the scary looking stitched girl. 

"Blue bird, aka Harper row, family friend (I don't know much about Harper so idk if she's just a fam friend) " the girl who came from the lab stood up and waved.

"red robin aka Tim Drake my adoptive son." Batman said, signaling the teen who asked for coffee eariler to take off his cowl. Bruce banner was half expecting an adult but he guessed the cowl made him look older. He too had Raven head and blue eyes.

"Spoiler, aka Stephanie brown. She too is a family friend."  Batman pointed to a purple hooded girl with blonde hair poking out a bit.

"And finally, my youngest. robin aka Damian Wayne. My son" Damian cleared his throat, signifying he missed a few. "Right, and that is bat cow, Titus and ace." 

The avengers were in shock to say the least. how could one man have so many children? Batman really has an adoption problem. Natasha didn't mind the adoption of so many children, it was them being heroes at such a young age is what ticked her off. SHe decided to she would need to look into it more if she wanted to confront them. Natasha was starting to not trust this batman more. The youngest boys stance screamed highly trained. How? This child must be at least 10 maybe 11! 

"So again, how do we get home?" Thor asked. Peter leaned closer to listen better, making sure he doesn't miss a thing. Batman explained to them what was needed and how they had to get it. The avengers were still unsure who he referred to as teams


"3 weeks?!" Peter exclaimed, still trying to process everything. Superman said to get everything required would take at least 3 weeks, not adding the time it takes to do create the device. Peters small shout caused Jon to wake up from his small nap he was taking in the corner.

"Wait, doesn't star labs have an extrapolator?" Red hood asked. "They use to, but the league made a vote to get rid of all extrapolators for the time being due to villains finding out about them." Batman replied in his usual brooding voice. 

"Can't Cisco like vibe them back to their earth?" Spoiler asked. "He gave up his powers, remember?" Red robin elbowed her.

"Do we at least have the blueprints for an extrapolator?" Harper spoke up. "I spoke to kaitlyn on our way here, she will be sending over the blueprints once she finds them." Batman answered again. Many sighs could be heard from the children. 

"Where will we even stay for the time being?" Steve asked, he didn't feel like sleeping in this cold cave or even on the streets. "The watchtower?" Wonder Woman said unsurely. "The extra rooms are for Aluras superiors of Argo. Supergirl is letting them stay there while her mother stays with her for a week." Superman said.

Wonder Woman sighed, "mount justice?" 

"The team is occupying the rooms." Night wing stated.

"Father, I think it's best if we keep an eye on these... Intruders. We really do not know if they have a plan up their sleeves." Robin, Damian said. He started sharpening his katana. "I suggest we keep them in the manor." Tim snorted at Damian.

"Wait, a manor?" Steve questioned. The others completely ignored him or just didn't hear him.

"For once I agree with demon spawn... Not about the secret plan think but I think it's best we let them stay with us." Jason said while wiping his pistols with a handkerchief that was most likely from the butler. Batman sighed and agreed. 

"Well it's settled, I think you guys should tell Alfred first." Superman said. 

The children began to file out of the room, going their separate ways while saying their goodbyes to 'uncle supes' and 'aunt Diana'.  Jon tried to blend in with the other kids, hoping to spend the night. Yet, superman caught him by his collar and dragged him out of the meeting room. In the distance there was a bright light, that got Bruce, Thor and Natasha's attention. 

Soon after, a robotic voice was hear. "superman B03, Superboy P07" (I made it up bc I don't feel like researching their numbers for zeta tubes)

Dick clapped his hands a bit before turning to the avengers. "C'mon guys, I'm sure you don't want to stay here any longer."

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