Chapter 12

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Jason's comm beeped twice, signally an incoming call. Clint and Jason were currently on his favorite gargoyle, waiting for something interesting to happen. "Imbecile, there is a robbery taking place at Gotham national museum. You need to stop them since all the others are busy." It was faint but Clint could make out who's voice it was, and what he said. 

"K demon spawn." Jason responded, Clint was still wondering what was up with these crazy nicknames they gave each other. Clint was cleaning the last of his arrows when Jason turned to him. "There's a robbery at the muesem, lets -go."

Clint was surprised that red hood, Jason, was actually letting him take down a robbery with him. He loaded up his arrows and jumped to each rooftop, following suit to Jason.


Gotham National Muesem 


Screams can be heard as people rush out of the meusem. Jason and Clint used the skylight to get inside. Jason landed gracefully, not making a sound. Clint on the other hand, landed a bit off and a thud was heard from him. Jason turned his head to glare a bit at him but something else caught his attention. Sand?

Clint wonder why Jason was staring at him, when he traced his face he realized he was staring st something behind him. He turned his head and saw a trail of sand. Please tell me this earth has a sand problem, please tell me this earth has a sand problem. He begged in his thoughts. It couldn't possibly be sandman right? He's back at his earth, there's nowhere he'd be here.

Before Clint could say anything Jason was silently jogging through the shadows, following the trail of sand.

As Clint turned the corner, low and behold, it was none other than sandman creating a big ruckus, trying to steal something. He hid behind a pillar next to Jason. He was cocking his gun, "when did a f**king sand beast come to town?"

"I- I think he might be from my world." Clint couldn't help but feel a bit ashamed as if it were his fault. "What do you mean from your world, I thought you and your pep squad were the only ones who came through the portal?" Jason whisper yelled, trying not to get sandman attention.

"Back on my earth, one of peters enemies is a guy called sandman, he is made of sand!"

"Well how the hell do we stop a living beach?" Jason would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy this, he liked the new villain, it was refreshing. Better than a crazed clown running through the streets.

Clint shrugged as Jason face palmed. "I guess we're doing this freestyle then, sweet cheeks." He raised his guns and walked out from behind the pillar. 

"Hey sandy b**ch! That doesn't belong to you." Jason began shooting at sandman, only to have his bullets go right through him. Jason muttered something Arabic before catching himself, dang, demon spawn must've been rubbing off on him.

"Ah, so your apart of the infamous Justice league I've heard about?" Sandman said mischievously. His sentence made red hood gag.

"Hell no, it's insulting that you associate me with those guys, their great and all but ew."

"Then who are you? The batman I've head about? He doesn't seem like a threat to me."

Jason dodged an incoming sand punch, he flipping out of the way without using his hands. Jason let out a muffled laugh, "bitch please, I'm the red hood."

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