Chapter 9

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Mount Justice

8:04AM - Boys POV

"Wait, where's kaldur and the others?" Nightwing asked as he began catching up with Wally and Bart. 

"Kal is back in alantis for a few days, he's visiting since he's spending thanks giving here. He wanted to catch up with his family." Wally explained, Bart snickered at tony and Steve as their eyes went wide. No, not being thanksgiving was I a  week. It was because they thought aqua an was bluffing when he said he was king of alantis. They didn't think it actually existed.

Nightwing froze as he realized he didn't introduce tony and Steve. "Holy, guys this is tony stark and Steve Rogers. They are heroes on their earth." 

"Oh that explains the tacky costumes." Bart said nonchantaly, tony choked on his own spit and Steve froze. They wondered why they said that, after all their big hero, superman literally wore red underwear ontop of his suit, and they had a guy dressed as a freaking bat! 

Wally elbowed Bart, "what I was kidding!" Steve couldn't help but laugh at the awkwardness that filled the air. They decided to go the long way towards the gym so they could talk more. Nightwing explained that Bart and Wally were speedsters and Bart was from the future.

Tony got to show off his ironman suit while Steve explained how he became a super soldier. As they got to the gym they saw the other already there, but there were no sign of Lagann (lagoon??) boy, then nightwing remembered he was in canvas city.

Tony and Steve were in awe as they examined the gym. It was Farr more advanced than their gym. Wasn't this just the 'Jr Justice league'? 


After a bomb of questions and introductions, batgirl finally began training. Tony, Steve and Natasha met up and compared noted while watching the team train. They had to admit, they were amazed. They didn't expect these kids to be  so well trained. Aren't they 13?! Natasha was still uneasy with the fact children were able to put on a cape. She couldn't help but think about Damian. He didn't seem like he had the same training as the others. It doesn't take a genius to know he's a lot more lethal than his family.

She was snapped out of it when a  loud thud was heard. Artemis was thrown to the wall by thirteen. The three avengers were surprised the 13 year old could have that much power. The others seemed to be unfazed by it. As if it was the norm.

Natasha jumped from her seat when she heard a blast, she scanned the room and spotted blue beetle and beast boy sparring, beast boy had barley dodged a blast his scarab shot. Blue beetle tried his best to contain the bug, after bickering to himself the bug finally went back to normal.


Tony watched as impulse and wonder girl sparred. They were doing hand to hand combat, no powers. He heard Wonder girl was raised a warrior, so he wasn't so sure about impulse. Although when he had his speed, he seemed to have the advantage, But it was a no powers sparring. He was clearly in need of more hand to hand combat training. Wonder girl was mopping the floor with him. He couldn't help but cringe when he saw wonder girl sweep his leg and he fell face first.

He turned his gaze towards the others, Tony realized these were no ordinary teens, they must've had years to train. They could easily knock down an avenger and these were just the sidekicks! He made a mental note to make the avengers train harder. He got a bit startled when he heard Artemis get thrown to the wall by thirteen.


Steve watched as Beast boy and Blue Beetle were sparring. Batgirl said none was allowed to use their powers for this training session. He couldn't help but he amazed with their fighting tactics, although, you could tell beast boy wasnt use to fighting in his human form. Even if he wasn't great with hand to hand combat, his agility was impressive, he could easily keep up with Steve. He had heard about beast boys powers and wanted to learn more but after finding out they weren't allowed to use their powers he guessed today wasn't the day. 

Once beast boy pinned down blue beetle, he was about to get up but blue beetles (idk if it's called a scarab or a bug) scarab must've gotten angry and nearly blasted beast boys body to bits. Luckily his agility came in handy, he barley dodged the blast. 

The sound of the blast echoed throughout the gym. Everybody turned their heads to blue beetle, he apologized and began arguing to nobody. The rest of the team seemed to either not have noticed him or they weren't fazed, like it was normal. The kid might've had some issues. Soon he stopped and his scarab bug thing went back to normal. He had to remember to ask about that later.


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