"But you're my main priority" he says causing me to smile.

"You know what I meant Josh" I say and he laughs a bit.

"I'm here for you ok, don't ever think I'm to busy for you" he says.


"I love you Storm" he says staring at me.

"I love you too Josh" I say starting back.

"Eww you guys are such simps" I hear Caleb say causing me to laugh. Oh Caleb.

"Hey Thunder" he says.

"Hey Woo" I say back.

"She said Hey Woo" Josh tells. He waves at me before walking away. He was also wearing his uniform.

"I must say. You don't only look cute, you look extra fine" I say gassing him. He licks his lips and rubs his hands together.

"You know how your boy goes. Gotta always look good for the ladies" he says and I give him a look.

"What ladies?" I say and start to giggle.

"I-I mean for you. Gotta look good for you" he says and I roll my eyes laughing.

"You do to much" I say and he starts to laugh. Someone says something to him which causes him to turn his head. As he turns, I see a red little mark on his neck. It was faint but still there. I squinted my eyes at it in a confusing way.

"Joshua" I call out.

"Storm" he says mocking me.

"What is that on your neck?" I ask him.

"Where?" He asks.

"There" I say pointing to the spot. He turns to the other side and looks in the camera.

"Here?" He asks.

"No the other side" I say pointing again.

"Here?" He says pointing somewhere else. I start to get a little pissed off because now he's just playing games.

"You're really starting to piss me off because I showed you where and you wanna move stupid" I say and bite the inside of my mouth. He starts to laugh and looks at me.

"Chill babe, why are you so mad?" He asks laughing.

"Well one I don't think anything is funny. And two, what is that?" I ask again.

"It's nothing to be honest. Don't worry about it" he says.

"Are you really about to do your interview with that on your neck?" I ask him.

"Nah I'll get one of the makeup artist to cover it up" he says.

"Josh is that a hickey?" I ask him. That's literally the only reason that could be there. Cause if he got hurt, it would've looked like an actual bruise.

"Storm I told you not to worry about it. It's nothing" he says. I sighed and sat there counting to 10. While talking to my mom, she told me when I felt like I was gonna react to something, to count to 10 to calm down.

"Ok I won't worry" I say to him. I pick up my phone and he was about to say something but I hang up and put my phone down.

"Oh he's got me all the way fucked up" I say shaking my head. That was a hickey on his neck. No doubt about it. I sit there folding my arms thinking, that could've came from one person.

Cali's state looking ass!

STORM 2 | Josh Christopher Where stories live. Discover now