Start from the beginning

Why did I decide it was a good idea to show them football again?

Professor Mcgonagall sat at her desk at the front, marking other student's homework as the rest of the class spoke in a hushed tone amongst themselves whilst revising, making the volume in the room rather quiet but not silent.

As Fred kicked the paper across my page with his fingers and celebrated his goal by shaking my shoulders excitedly, I rolled my eyes and turned to him looking rather cross.

"Will you let me write for five minutes?" I yelled in a whisper, trying not to let his grinning face make me laugh.

"Yes boss, sorry boss." He joked, nodding his head and actually opening his book to revise. I widened my eyes in surprise, but decided not to say anything in fear it might distract him from finally writing something on his parchment.

I turned my head the other direction, noticing George was staring at me with a small smirk on his face, his head leant on the palm of his hand.

"That goes for you too, Weasley." I raised my brows, before pushing my glasses up on my nose and looking back down at my book.

"Oh really?" his low voice spoke, his smirk growing wider.

"Yeah, really." I sassed, side-eyeing him and chewing the inside of my mouth to hide a grin.

He bit his lip cockily, and I sensed he wasn't going to just get on with his work that easily. However, he picked up his pencil and seemed as though he was actually obeying me; I watched him in disbelief.

I then turned back to my own work feeling rather victorious from getting both of the boys to stop messing around, something I very rarely managed to do. At this point, I didn't notice George's left hand slide underneath the table and towards my leg.

My breathing stopped for a moment when I felt his cold hand grasp onto my thigh, just above where my sock stopped. I turned my head to him, his eyes still glued onto his work but with a smug smile on his face.

I decided I wasn't going to let him affect me, realising he was just trying to get a reaction out of me. I focused on my textbook more now, trying to forget the feeling of his large hand placed daringly on my skin.

He didn't stop there however, as he began slowly grazing his hand further up my thigh, going underneath my skirt now. My eyes widened, the feeling giving me goosebumps along my skin.

I shook my head slightly, knowing George could see and hoped he would stop. However, when I felt his strong hand squeezed the soft skin of my upper thigh, I knew he wasn't going to.

I squeezed onto my pencil harder, my stomach fluttering and heat rushing to my head, feeling my cheeks go rosy. I continued to scribble onto my page, hoping my lack of reaction would dishearten him and make him give up.

Whilst he continued to jot stuff down on his parchment, I felt his hand slowly move inwards, towards my inner thigh. I immediately reacted by squeezing my legs shut, my core tensing.

I let out a long breath as I felt him push my thighs apart slightly, giving him access to my heat once more. I knelt my elbow on the table and perched the side of my head in my hand to turn away from Fred slightly, not wanting him to notice my sudden change in facial expressions.

George leaned in closer to me, coming to my ear and breathing hot air onto my skin, "You alright, darling?" he cooed.

I looked at him, my face all flushed and my jaw clenched. As much as I wanted him to stop, my deepest desires hidden in the back of my mind secretly hoped he wouldn't, enjoying the feeling of his hands roaming my body.

Morning Love. (George Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now