Chapter 100

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Itachi took you somewhere out of the city, somewhere too calm to help clear up your minds. It was in a nearby forest, you two walked together through the trees, not talking much, just the same you have been silent during the car ride.

You loved the sound of the dry leaves crushing under your boots, and from time to time you could spot a squirrel ran quickly to hide somewhere in a tree.
It was a little cold, but the air was so clean and refreshing, helping you feel better a lot.

Itachi seemed to know the place pretty well, he lead you to a grassy place infiltrated by warm sunlight so you two can sit down and have a break, and talk this out.
You sat down on the grass folding your legs and placing your knees close to your chest. You were watching him as he was putting the wood he collected together to lit a fire. You were looking at his hands, his ring, then at his face. You're mad and hurt, but you can't deny the fact that he is tryin to make things better and fix the problem, he admitted his mistake, he doesn't wanna let go of you.

"[Name]", he called your name, bringing you back from your little moment of zoning out.
"Yes Itachi?", you said in a low voice, with indifference.
"Talk to me", he said watching the flames of the fire.
"Talk to me, yell at me, punch me, but don't just sit down there like that silently, I know there is a lot going on in that head of yours, so let it out", he said looking at you. He was right, being like this, keeping it all inside is painful, but it was also hurtful to talk now.

"Please, talk freely", he said with a reassuring smile, taking his place beside you facing the fire.
"I'm not sure how to talk, after I have seen your reaction yesterday...I don't know if I should...", you said looking at him with a frown.
"Sweetheart, I told you I'm sorry, it will never happen again, I myself didn't know what's gotten into me"
"You should control it, you scared me"
"I know...", he nodded with a sigh.

"Why am I not allowed to talk to my parents about what happened?! Is the Uchiha's reputation more important than my well being?! Wasn't what happened painful enough so that you needed to shut me up?! I don't know what would have happened to me if Shio and Sasuke didn't stand by my side!! They were the only ones who actually supported me!!", you said clutching your hands tightly into fists.
"I'm grateful to Sasuke and Shio for that, believe me, I owe them, and I know I let you down...", he said looking at your face.

"It hurt so much Itachi..."
"I know...I greatly misunderstood the situation, but I will fix things up"
"I don't want your cousin close to me!!"
"Yes, and don't worry about that now, I will take care of him, as for your parents...", he trailed off, thinking deepily for a moment, he shouldn't hide this from you.

"I will tell you why I don't want you to tell them, at least for now. I know that whatever the reason is, I still shouldn't have spoke to you the way I did, and I'm sorry for that"
"Okay", you nodded for him to continue.
"I didn't want the problem to get more bigger. If your parents knew, I'm sure your father would have come and took you with him, your parents won't love to hear about what happened, they will think I'm not worthy of you, they will think we are only staying together for business matters, they don't know what we have in common, they don't know about all what we have been through together. They will want to take you from me, because they think you are not safe with me", he said in a serious tone looking in your eyes.

"They can't just take me!", you shook your head, you're not a little baby, you're a grown up woman, Itachi is just overreacting...

"Yes they can", he said calmly.
"The prenuptial agreement..."

Once he said this, you didn't talk more, your lips were parted slightly as you remained looking at him blankly. How did you forget?!

Itachi was just looking at you, he knows this will not make you feel any better, maybe make you feel even worst, but he had to explain it.
'I' a toy...I can't even take a proper decision about my life...', you though to yourself, what did you do to deserve this?!

You looked at Itachi's eyes through a bury vision, he was already wiping some tears out of your eyes.

"It will be fine, everything will be okay...", he said kindly pulling you closer to him and resting your head against his chest.
Everything looked fake and fragile, everything can be destroyed in a moment, and have nothing to do about it, it was all your fault to keep accepting everything...

"I want to change...", you muttered to no one in particular, but Itachi heard you. He nodded and thought for a while, you really need to get stronger, not just physically but also emotionally...
He wanted to help you, but he knows, if he wants something efficient, he should ask someone else's help, and he knows exactly who should he talk to.

But for now, all he needs to do is help you feel better and try to get you out of this misery and help you move on.

He needs to take it easy, no more pressures for now...

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