Chapter 79

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One week had passed since you have come to the island, it was an enough time to make you forget all the pressure from exams and college, and forget a little about Shisui creeping you out.

A week was also sufficient for Shisui himself to forget about you, at least for now. As Itachi was gone for a while, he had some more responsibilies to take care of, one of them is to keep an eye on Sasuke and help him when needed as the latter officially joined the family's corp recently.

Shisui noticed he wasn't really into you, he didn't even try to pursue you again in any way, as long as you're away from him and beyond his reach. He doesn't really feel anything towards you, it is just when you're there...that he kinda finds ir entertaining to mess a little with you...he seems to have some issues...

"Sasuke, I want to ask you something", Shio said, while using her brush to put some touches on her current painting.
"Yes, what is it?", Sasuke replied while sitting on a sofa in the same room with her, with his laptop on his lap.
"Why is your cousin Shisui still single? I mean...someone like him would surely have a girlfriend or even might be engaged or married", she said, never lifting her eyes off of her unfinished painting.
"He certainly has a way with women...he would never go to the end with one of them, it is just a matter of entertainment for him...", Sasuke trailed off taking a sip from his black coffee.
"But that's wrong", Shio said in a serious tone.
"Yes, but he wouldn't listen, he says he is fine the way he is, no commitments no responsibilities, no feelings no getting hurt", Sasuke said with a sigh, as Shio didn't seem to buy it.

"Did he use to know...[name] before? Were they friends or something like this?", Shio asked after a while of silence as she was mixing some colors together.
"No, as I know, [name] didn't have any kind of relationship with him or even my brother before the arranged marriage thing, they never met each other, she was a complete stranger to our family, why did you ask this?", Sasuke asked, feeling that something is on his wife's mind, as she started asking questions about Shisui for no specific reason, and now even about [name].

"I have noticed, the way he looks at her isn't quite comforting", Shio said looking at Sasuke, as she seems she has no intention to hide this from him, something is surely wrong with Shisui.
"What?! What do you mean?", Sasuke asked narrowing his eyes.
"At our wedding, he kept staring at her, taking the chance when everyone is busy to do this, and didn't like it"
"Shisui?!...well he has been always a casanova...but...[name]?!...", Sasuke trailed off, he knows his cousin has been always a playboy, but to mess with his sister-in-law? His best friend's wife? Shisui isn't so cheap to do this...but...what's about what Shio said?!

Sasuke sighed, his mind is disturbed with what he had heard, he knows he mustn't ignore what Shio told him, but he also can't act without a compelling evidence...he should be very careful about this, and very attentive, he must think wisely before doing anything, and make sure to know exactly what's going on...

You were with Itachi in his office, he was checking some reports that have been sent to him from Tokyo as you just sat down on the couch reading one of the amazing books you found in his library.

Je had some very good and rare books, quite enough to satisfy your hunger for knowledge and fill your time when you have nothing to do.
It was Itachi who asked you to stay with him, not because he didn't want you to go walk around or anything, but he just loves your company, and your presence with him.

He shut his laptop down and got up from his chair, you lifted your eyes off of your book and looked at him to see what he is gonna do. He walked towards a closet and opened it, then took a leather bag from it, he unzipped it and took out the camera from it, making you wonder what does he want to do with it.

"[Name], I guess it is time for us to start preparing to go to the beach...", he said as he turned on the camera, checking out its battery level and some other functions and settings.

'The beach?!' That's right! You almost forgot, yesterday he suggested on you to go to the beach and spend the evening and even the night there together.

"Yes you're right, do you want to take that camera with you Itachi?", you asked pointing to it, you weren't someone who takes a lots of photos and selfies, but if Itachi wants to take some, maybe you would just let him.

"Yes, now let's go get ready...", he said turning off the camera and putting it back in its bag. He surely noticed you weren't that excited about taking photos, he wanted to know why, why is that low self-esteem? To him, you don't lack anything, surely you weren't the most beautiful or the smartest girl in the world, but you were good for him, too good actually, why do you always give him the impression that you feel a little low about yourself?

He was concerned about this, and he wanted to know why so he can do something about it, you only deserve the best [name].

He took your hand and walked with you out of the office, he will ask you about it later and asks why is that soon, you two then headed straight to the kitchen to prepare what to take with you for this beautiful camp.

His beloved...(Itachi X Reader [Modern])Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt