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"Riku, bite me." I said to my dog who looks at me confusingly which I found cute as he sat on my lap. I offered my hand to which he licked instead, in my other hand is holding Lee Sang-hyeok's debit card. 

Lee Sang-hyeok also known as Faker, the Mid laner of SKT T1, the Unkillable Demon King, GoJeonPa, and my favorite player when I started playing League. 

Not to mention, I have a crush on him. 

Is the universe pranking me or something?

Is this a sign or a joke?

Oh, Kami

I went over to my study table and placed the card beside my laptop. I recently finished studying and doing some of my projects due next week. I went to the kitchen with Riku following me, I attached a bell to his collar because of what happened 2 days ago.

This dog sure knows how to scare me.

Especially when I'm taking a shower

I decided to make Jjapaguri. I simply cook the noodles with the veggie flakes from the packets, and drain the noodles, reserving the water. Returning the noodles back to the pot, and added a cup of the reserved water and the sauce mix. I stirred the noodles well until the sauce is well distributed and slightly thickens, about a minute. I used the entire packet of the Chapagetti sauce and 3/5 of the Neoguri spicy sauce. I even added a fried egg to serve as aside. 

After cooking my delicious and mouth-watering dinner, I prepared Riku's meal. I mixed his dog food with some leftover rice and the right amount of beef. 

He was so excited that he actually stood up with his front paws leaning against my leg. His claws hurt so much! I remind myself to cut his claws in the coming days.

"Riku, baby! Wait, wait, wait. Patience!" I said to him as he went down because I just finished making it. I served his meal first and I went back to my table to enjoy my dinner.

I decided to make an Instagram story. I took a picture and made sure that my meal looks appetizing and aesthetic. After posting on my story, I then ate my dinner with my happy tummy being fulfilled.

While eating, I opened my Twitch app on my phone. I checked Faker's account, he's currently live streaming. I don't wanna disturb him. He seems too invested so I decided to message him later as I continued watching his stream.  

He seems to be playing using one of my favorite champions, Ahri. I continued to watch his stream while eating my Jjapaguri. Riku was just sleeping on the floor, probably full from his dinner.

His stream kept playing as I washed the dishes. After washing the dishes, I placed the puppy in his dog bed which was near my bed. I placed my phone by my laptop and proceeded to wash my face. I took a bath earlier and changed after arriving at my unit.

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