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I tried to hide my blush as Faker started opening up the movie site. Despite being eager to watch the movie, he looks tired. His shoulders were super hunched and his face just looks so tired. It'll be nice to give him some milk tea. 

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked him, I don't want him to lose any sleep because of this movie we're going to watch. I'm okay if he wants to rest and get a good night's sleep. 

"Yeah, I'm okay. Why?" He asks me, glancing in my direction through his screen.

"It's just that you seem tired. Do you want to rest?" I asked him, adjusting myself through the comfort of my pillows.

"It's fine. Hmm.. let's see 'Your Name'..." He searched up the movie. Then I remembered some sites would prefer the original names rather than the English ones.

"Try 'Kimi no Na wa'" I suggested to him. He followed it and was able to find the movie. My face brightens at the poster of the movie because it was one of my comfort movies and the animation and the storyline are just so good!

It's one of those movies that just puts a smile on my face. 

We both made ourselves comfortable as the opening credits started playing on the screen. I didn't bother getting food because I was still so full from my dinner.

I chose this movie because it's one of my favorite movies and makes me miss my other home country, Japan. With the temples, the city, the people, the food. I can't wait to back there during Winter break! 

We watched it in Japanese dub but with Korean subtitles. Since I know Japanese, I was able to understand everything perfectly.  I watched his reaction at the side as he clearly enjoys the movie. I opened up Instagram on my phone for a bit and viewed his recent story. I swear I almost let go of my phone!

It's actually us.

It was just a story on the screen with a movie in it but it's pretty obvious he's sharing the movie with someone. My face was not seen.

I understand actually, I'm not hurt with my face, not in the story. He's a major personality in the gaming world and I think that he's sensitive in making his private life sensitive. I've seen numerous reports of people being attacked for dating someone famous.

Like what have they even done to them? 

Can't they just love in public without the prying eyes of many obsessive fans? They're human after all, they need some space and privacy.

Anyways, I screenshotted the story for remembrance. Who knows, maybe my great great grandson will know that his grandma was featured in someone famous' story.

Especially because this is Lee Sang-hyeok who is Faker, the greatest League of Legends player of all time. 

Well, why don't I also post one?

I secretly posted something similar to his too. But it was already a different scene. It's not like we have the same followers right?

"I saw your story." He suddenly blurted out.

"I saw yours earlier," I said to him. "I hope you don't mind, oppa." I added.

CHAMPION | fakerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin