Chapter VIII (A Talk-Like Therapy)

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2:24 AM

POV: Sonic

"Can't sleep?" I hear a voice beside me. I look over to my side and see a figure on the other side of the bridge. It steps into the light of the thruway above. It is a black hedgehog with red stripes and a white patch of fur on his chest.

"Y-Yea?..." I hesitated, as he walked closer to me. I started scooting over to the other side of the bench out of fear of being attacked. I didn't run away just yet to see what this person's intentions are. He just keeps walking up and sits down on the other side of the bench.

"Sorry if I am interrupting something, or scaring you. I just saw you and you looked like something was wrong." He spoke in a lower tone; not that low, but not high either.

His voice somewhat calmed me down, letting my breathing lighten up a little. "T-There is..." I slowly nodded and said. I didn't know if I could trust him, or if he's someone who works for Robotnik, because I know he's still out there.

"If you want to, we can talk about it. If you don't want to, it's alright. No pressure." It felt nice to know somebody cares; I know I have Tails and my siblings, but to have someone that just met me and wants to help, that felt nice.

"M-y mothers in the hospital in a coma, she's been for about a month now. I keep blaming myself for the reason why even though everyone says it wasn't." I don't know why, but I just wanna tell him everything. I just wanna vent, it actually feels better. "I couldn't take it and I moved out from living with my brother and sister to live by myself. I had then got a roommate... it's a long story. But she has recently gotten worse and I just couldn't take it. I didn't want anyone to see me break, so I snuck out for the night to try to get my mind off of everything..."

I was out of breath by the end of all of that. The guy just stood there in shock, not knowing how to react to all of that. I would be the same way. I then drop my ears and sit there to allow him to snap back. I almost didn't realize that he put his hand on my shoulder.

"I-Look, I know it's hard, I really do. I know what it's like to loose someone close to you. And it still haunts me to this day. But you have to get over this..." I look at him. "I just met her after some 14 years..." I sobbed as he patted my head.

"It'll all be alright. You'll get over it and you're life will return to normal. There is still a chance you mother will recover and live..." he tried to cheer me up. I smiled and still sobbed for a few minutes, using my shirt to wipe my eyes.

After a few minutes of recollecting myself, I looked up and straight at him. "Thanks, Um-"


"Oh... I'm Sonic." I put out my hand and he shook it and nodded politely.

"Well, you better be getting back home, it's starting to get late after all. If you wanna talk again, meet me here tomorrow, maybe around noon?" I was surprised he had asked me that, but I nodded and smiled warmly. "S-Sure, that'll be nice... Bye... S-Shadow..."

"See you later."

Back at home (4:34 AM)

I unlock the door and slowly walk in. I (as quietly as I could) shut the door and make my way up the stairs. I pass Tails' room. It looks like he woke up and saw the not because he wrote ok thanks on the paper, I smile and make my way into my room. I quickly change into a pair of comfy pants and a T-shirt and lay in bed. I close my eyes and wish that everything will be alright in the end.

Thanks Shadow


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