Chapter XX (Double Trouble?!?)

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POV: Author

"Man, I really wish I had Sonic's speed right about now." The green hedgehog said to himself as he walked to his boyfriend's house. After leaving Sonic's house, Manic ran to the local store to grab some chips, along with a pack of cigarettes because he knew Scourge would probably want some.

After he had left the store, he was about a block from his boyfriend's house. Soon enough, he had made it to his doorway.

The two had met a little over a few months ago, about right before he reunited with his siblings. He saw him sitting on a bench and decided to try to steal his wallet. But while trying, he got his wallet stolen by the same person.

"You really need to be quicker if you want to get away with it, you know?" the hedgehog said, holding the smaller one's wallet between his fingers. Manic quickly snatched it back, giving the other wallet back as well.

"Bummer, I thought it would work..." Manic stated, which made the other laugh slightly. "What's your name?"



Soon enough, they became friends and helped each other out in many ways, but it quickly turned into more than just a normal friendship. After a while, when Manic gained enough courage, he asked him out. And to his surprise, he said yes.


As manic walked up to the door, he looked around the deserted street. It wasn't a bad part of town, but it wasn't necessarily a good part either. There was trach in the street, as well as some stray cats running down the alleyways towards the garbage cans that his behind a small bush.

"Who's there?" A voice said as Manic backed up after knocking on the door. "It's me."

"Well look who decided to show his face." Scourge said as he opened the door. Ever since Manic has reunited with his siblings, he hasn't spent as much time with his boyfriend as he would've liked. And as far as he could tell, Scourge wasn't pleased as well.

"Aww, I'm just messing with you. Come in babe~" Scourge said as a smile grew on his face and outstretched his arms, pulling Manic into a hug. After they broke the hug, Scourge moved aside as they both walked into the house, closing the door afterward.

"So babe, what got you in the area?" he said with a smirk on his face. It wasn't every day that he would come over. "Can't I just come to see my boyfriend?" Manic says. Scourge just shrugs as he sat down on the couch next to him. "Whatever. So, what do you wanna do?"

"Well, I got a couple hundred dollars, why don't we go hit up the casino?" Manic says as he smirks at Scourge, who perks his ears up at the word "casino." "Yeah, that would be nice." He says to his partner, putting an arm around his neck while they lean in for a quick kiss.


"Hey Shads, you ready?" Sonic asked the ebony one, who came back out of the bathroom with his quills still slightly wet from his shower, but was wearing a suit. Sonic had gotten ready as well, wearing a red jacket and a pair of jeans. "You look amazing," Sonic said, resting his head on Shadow's shoulder.

"You do too," Shadow said as he hugged back. "No, I don't."

"You always do," Shadow says as he made Sonic blush. "Whatever you say." He says as he pulls Shadow in for a kiss. After they broke the kiss, they made their way to the door.

"So Shads, where are we going?" Sonic asked as they shut the door, entering into the semi-dark void that is nightfall. "I thought that we could go to the casino. Tails said you really like the games, especially pinball-"

"IT WAS ONE TIME!" Sonic yelled as his face was flushed with embarrassment. He knew that Tails had to go pick him up since the casino had closed and he had spent over $500 there. "Haha, whatever. Let's go."

"Okay," Sonic says as they join hands and race down the street towards the casino.

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