Chapter XXIV (A Temporary Solution)

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POV: Sonic

"Hello son." She says with pent up anger in my voice, knowing that its only a matter of time until she says something along the lines of why I brought Shadow. Over to the throne, with three smaller ones besides them.

"I see you brought your... Boyfriend." She said while I tried to control my anger. "His names Shadow." I said lowly with a light growl. Something about my mothers appearance seemed to say that she was uneasy about something, but I didn't really care. I just want to take as little time as I need to here.

"That's not the reason why I called you here. I have received news that there has been many attacks recently, but abruptly stopped. Not only that, the footage shows the two of you?" she looked at us. "Yea, and?" I ask, wondering why she even cares.

"I need both of your help."

I tried my best to restrain my laughter but I couldn't help it, knowing that after all of this she needs my help. "What do you want." I say still smiling.

"Sonic, this isn't funny. I'm being serious-" I cut her off. "But the part that I don't understand is that after years of not seeing me, then finally bringing the whole family together. You tell me to leave, along with my brother, for what? Because we're both dating guys?!?" I pause, letting myself catch my breath before continuing. "And on top of all that, you have the audacity to ask us; let alone me, for help." I turn to her and scoff. "You're hilarious."

I turn to Shadow, "Can we go now, because this has been a waste of my time."

"Sonic, I-" Shadow stated.

"No, I'm not gonna stay here right now!" I said, a little mad that I couldn't just go. "You didn't even give her a chance to speak before going off on her. You should be glad that you actually have a mother, and she probably wouldn't have contacted you unless it was necessary!" He said, putting his ears back, looking saddened.

I stood there in silence, with my ears folded behind my head. I didn't know what to say, since I knew that he was right. "M-Mom, I-"

"Maurice, it's fine. But what I wanted to say was sorry." I perked my ears up when I heard the apology. "I shouldn't've told you guys to leave then. You deserve to be happy, even if I don't agree with your ideas..." she looked quite scared and depressed, contrasting her persona she normally has. As I looked in her eyes, I could tell by the small tears in her eyes that she meant this.

"Mom, it's alright, I forgive you. I understand that you would be like this because of dad, but I will always be here for you." I said with a small smile on my face as I walked over and gave my mom a hug. We hugged for about 5 minutes, while small tears dropped down our muzzles. I felt as if a weight was lifted off of my shoulders at that moment. "Now then." I say, acting as per usual. "What did you want anyways?" I ask my mom, who was also begining to fix her composure.

"There has been a series of escalating attacks happening all around Mobotropolis, And you are the only person that has actually has been able to combat it. "She tells me, which I rub the bottem of my nose. "Well, I'm not one to brag, but-"

"Sonic, nows not the time for this." Shadow looks at me sternly, as I nod my head. "Okay, so what do you want us to do then?" I ask her. "Well, what do we know already?" She asks me. "Wel, this person attacks with robots, similarly to how Robotnik would. Although these were egg-shapped and were a lot different in generel... Oh, and then there was Metal."
"Who is this "Metal"?" Mom asked. "Well, there was this robot who was basically built in my image, speed and all." I tell her. "When we defeated him, thats where we found this." I pulled of my quills a picture of the logo I had found on the back of Metal. Behind was the building with the man's face in it. "So, we have a lead then. I'll tell the gaurds to look out for this logo. You just keep taking out the robots and try to keep everyoe safe."

"So do what I've been doing? You got it. See you later mom." I say as me and Shadow begin to walk over to the door. "Wait!" I look around back at my mother. "Tell your brother that he can move back in if he wishes."

"Will do." I say as we speed off, back towards the home. "Maybe I can finally get some sleep tonight?"

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