Chapter XXV (Pasts Unfortunate)

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It is probably 3 am while me and Shadow walk down the silent streets back home. The only light being the few street lamps that harbor the sides of the street. "Hey Shads?" I ask him, which I hear a audible "hmm?" from his muzzle. "What did you mean earlier?"

"What do you mean?" He questioned as I looked over to him. "What did you mean by 'At least you have a mom...'?" I say which makes him stop as his face looked somewhat worrisome. "Shads, you okay?" I lean over and put an arm around his neck as I make sure he's okay.

"I-It's nothing." He says coldly as he pushes my arm off of him. I quickly walk in front of him, stopping him and making him look into my eyes, a quick blush sweeps across his face due to how close we are. "Shadow, you can tell me anything, no matter what." I assure him, planting a quick kiss on his cheek as our noses touch. Soon I hear him sigh lightly. "Okay then. It's better if I tell you now then having you find out on your own." He says calmly as I nod in response.

POV: Shadow

"You see, I didn't come into this world like how you did, but rather engineered." I tell Sonic, who's looking confused as ever, which is kinda cute in itself. "I was created essentially in a lab high in earth's atmosphere; the Space Colony Ark."

"Engineered? What do you mean?" He questioned. I couldn't blame him for asking, it isn't your everyday thing to hear. "I was a product of trying to create the ultimate life form. For the next ten years, I meet my creator, Doctor Gerald Robotnik, who was like a father to me. He also had a granddaughter, Maria, who lived there as well. She was like my best friend. We grew up together, and did everything together. But that soon changed." I sigh as I put my ears down as I could feel tears growing in my eyes.

"What happened then Shadow," Sonic said, sounding like a little kid hearing a story. I sighed peacefully as I continued. "Another 5 years went by smoothly, at least until GUN figured out of my presence and were sent to put an end to project Shadow. long story short, I was spared at the expense of Maria's. She pushed me into my pod and sent me to earth, before telling me her last and final wish." I finish. Sonic looked shocked by everything that I had just told him, but I can understand. It's not everyday you hear anything close to that.

"What was her wish?"

"It was to fight for good, and make sure there was peace on earth. That was 50 years ago." I said which made Sonic's mouth drop.

"YOU'RE 50 YEARS OLD?!?" He yells, probably wondering what is wrong with me. "I'm 65 actually, but the pod I was in put me in a coma-like state for the past 50 years, so I'm technically 16. I was only awakened earlier this year." I fiddled with my fingers scared to how Sonic would respond. "I-I understand if you don't want to be with me anymore." I say as tears flow down my cheek, which to my surprise, he wipes them away and stops me, looking into my eyes.

"Shads, no I don't wanna break up, I love you. And I will as long as I live." He smiles as I slowly lean in. He followed and I soon felt his soft lips on mine. It felt like we were in perfect sync with each other as I went to deepen the kiss. At this point, we were in front of the house, so I didn't mind to spice things up a little.

A slight moan escaped his peach muzzle as I became to move my hands up and down his body, feeling every part of his masculine yet feminine body. I slid my hand down and stroked his tail, causing a light yelp, making him blush all the more. I could also notice a slight bulge growing in his pants, which I took it to my pleasure to gently rub with my hand.

"Shadow, if you wanna do that, wait till we get inside." He says playfully, with light sounds of lust in his voice. I give in and pick him up and unlocked the door, letting us inside. I quickly carry him into the room, where I shut the door, and lock it.

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