Chapter XVII (Attack at Stardust Speedway)

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POV: Author

"Hey Sonic, why are we here?" Tails asked as they walked down the yellow road. It was quite modern for a speedway; and busy too. There were many buildings all around them that put off a purple aura, along with bright beams of light that cascaded into the night sky.

"I'm sorry that it's late guys, but I've gotten word that someone was attacking the city." Sonic told the others, as he led the way down the street.

"Yeah, but what are we looking for exactly." Manic stated until he walked into a giant build that was planted in the center of the road. It took both sides, along with the buildings next to it; which were reduced to rubble, and it looked like it was just "plopped" there.

"I think we found it guys." Tails said, as he backed up to have a better look at the building. He noticed that was a dome-shaped building, with a head-shape at the top. The head had a large mustache; about 60 feet across with glowing eyes.

"Well, I think we should go inside, huh?" Sonic says, getting everyone to free their gaze and look at him. Shadow and Tails both look at him and both nod. Since the door was reinforced, Shadow threw a chaos spear, which exploded the door.

POV: Sonic

As the debris cleared and the door was no more, I started to take a step. The room was dark, but soon I could tell that we were not alone. I heard the clank of what sounded like robot's feet, but only when I turned around, I knew the danger we were in.

I turn around to see two glowing red eyes that came toward me. I felt a hand around my neck, and before I knew it, I was through the wall with a metal hand still around my neck. I looked forward to seeing a 5-foot hole in the wall with Tails standing in the middle of it in shock.

"Hey, let go of my boyfriend!" I heard as I saw Shadow run and kick the side of the robot, getting him to release me. As I fell to the ground, I saw that the force Shadow had used launched it into the blacktop.

"Shadow, y-you saved me," I say like I was in one of those cheesy movies, which grants a laugh from him as I hug him.

"I don't think it's over just yet guys." I hear Tails say as I quickly look over at the robot, who is now getting back up. Now that my life's not in (complete) danger, I could finally take a good look at it.

Or should I say him, because it looked like a mirror image of me, if I were a robot that is? He had a jet on his back, as well as a sleek design. "So, what do we call you? I think Metal Sonic had a nice ring to it, ya think?" I say with a cheeky grin on my face, as Metal looks at me like he's gonna do something.

Much as I expected, he shoots at me with lightning speed, but I dodge it by a hair. I turn my head to see that he had just stopped, turned around, and started darting back at me. This time, I couldn't dodge the sudden attack as I was thrown to the ground, slammed into the blacktop. Shadow ran up to me and helped me get up, as I shook the debris out of my quills.

"So... he has my speed... fun," I say as I panted heavily. "Shadow, distract him. And Tails, throw me at him." I say as they both nod. Shadow goes and rams into Metal. "So, you think you're tough, now don't you?" he says as Metal charges at him. He quickly grabs his hands and holds him in place.

"Sonic, NOW!" Shadow yells as I then run as fast as I could and jumped at the floating Tails, who spun me around. Soon, I let go and rolled up into a ball, and slammed into Metal.


As I uncurled, I saw a twitching Metal in the middle of the street, with sparks flying out of him. "C'mon guys, let's go home. I think we're done here." I say was I yawn slightly.

"Yeah, it's getting late," Shadow stated as we all started walking to the Tornado, which was parked about a block or two away. I put an arm around Shadow as we walk.

After a few minutes, I hear something behind me, which makes me look around. The first thing that I noticed was that the place where Metal Sonic lay, was bare. I soon looked up to see a figure holding the metal robot as he looked down onto us.

Whoever this person is, I know that this isn't the last time we'll see him.

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