Chapter XIX (Date Night?!?)

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POV: Author

After Manic had left, Sonic just spent some time talking to Tails about everything going on, since he was probably the smartest out of the three. "So Tails, what do you think is happening?" he asked the kitsune, who for once stopped the endless swishing of his tails to think of a response.

"I honestly don't know Sonic. But I did find this last night." He said as he pulled out his phone and opened his gallery, showing a picture of the logo that was on the back of Metal. "This isn't Robotnik's signature logo. This one looks different and more refined." He tells the azure hedgehog as he flips to another image.

"Than that means that Robotnik's back, doesn't it?" he asked, while Tails just shook his head. "Not exactly..." he says as he pulls up another picture. "I did some research and I found out that that exact logo is from something called Eggman Enterprises."

"Huh, I've never heard about it," Sonic says. Usually, he will get notified by someone if something sketchy is going on, but this time he got nothing. "That's the thing, nobody knows about this company... But my technical know-how got me what I was looking for." He says with a grin on his face. Sonic laughs a little at his little brother's statement, knowing that he would never be able to do half of the things the fox can do.

"Anyways, I should go wake up Shadow since it's already noon..."  Sonic says as he gets up off of the couch. "Ok...Sonic..." he says quietly as she blue blur sped up the stairs, leaving the fox alone.

For a while now, Tails was somewhat sad that he wasn't the main thing in Sonic's life, but he tried his best to keep that to himself. Lately, Sonic had been spending more time with Shadow than himself, but he understood that Shadow was his boyfriend, but it still bothered him a little.

"Shads, it's time to wake up," Sonic says as he gently shook the dark mass that lays on the bed. "Why do I have to get up." He hears him say, as Shadow turns to face his quills towards Sonic. Sonic just stood there before ripping the covers from the bigger hedgehog's grasp, having them fall to the floor, revealing the sleeping hedgehog.

"Why did you do that?" he said, as he turned once more to escape the light beaming onto his face. Sonic grinned. "Now will you get up?" he asked in an annoyed manner. A small smirk appeared on Shadow's muzzle.

"Oh? And what if I don't?"

"Do you want me to get the hose?" After that statement, Shadow's eyes immediately shot open as he sat up as fast as he could. "I-I don't think that'll be necessary." He said, trying to keep his cook persona. "Whatever, so what do you want to do today?" He asked as Shadow cracked his neck, trying his best to wake up so Sonic wouldn't actually have to get the hose (If he would anyway).

"I was actually wondering if you wanted to go out for the day... if you're okay with it." Sonic was somewhat dumbfounded at not having an answer to Shadow's question, for being the fastest thing alive that is. He didn't think that Shadow was gonna ask him on a date, let alone amidst all of this.

"I really wasn't expecting this, but I think that'll be nice." Sonic blushed at his own statement and did so more when he felt a pair of arms wrap around him. "Shadow!" he yelled as he was startled at the ebony one's actions.

"Ha-ha... didn't think I'd get that kind of reaction out of you." Shadow chuckled as he let go of the hedgehog, who was now making his way to the door. "We don't talk about it. Anyways, you should probably start getting ready, since it's already past noon." Shadow nodded.  "You're right, I'll get in the shower then. I'll come down when I'm ready to go." He said as Sonic nodded and left the room, closing the door.

Sonic walked into the living room with a noticeable skip in his step since he was excited and what Shadow had planned for the two of them. Sonic finally settled onto the couch next to Tails, who was watching TV. "You seem happy." He says to Sonic, who looked back at the kitsune. 

"Well I am, my and Shadow are going out." He said happily, while Tails looked sort of sad. "What's wrong buddy?" he asked, wanting to know why his little bro was depressed. "Oh, it's nothing, really." He says, trying to put on a smile, but Sonic knew it was fake.

"I think I know what it is. Is it because you're jealous of Shadow because I spend more time with him?" Tails slowly nods in response, having his tails tucked between his legs like a puppy. Sonic couldn't help to feel a little guilty, knowing that he has been spending more time with Shadow than him.

"I'm sorry little buddy, I didn't mean to cast you out..." he said with guilt in his voice. "It's fine Sonic."

"Here, tell you what. Why don't the two of us go bowling tomorrow, since I have two tickets? Then maybe after that, we could go out for ice cream?" Tails' eyes started to glow as his tails started swaying from side to side franticly. "You mean it?" he asked the azure one, who nodded in response.

Tails quickly engulfed Sonic into a hug. "Thanks, Sonic, you're the best!" he said as Sonic began to hug back.

"No problem bro."

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